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published in(发表于) 2016/3/29 11:02:44 Edit(编辑)
In response to the Central Bank’s new rules: micro-payments will help user to perfecting information,

In response to the Central Bank’s new rules: micro-payments will help user to perfecting information,(回应央行新规:微信支付称将帮用户完善信息,)



In response to the Central Bank′s new rules: micro-payments will help user to perfecting information-micro-credit, Bank, PayPal-IT information

On March 12, the fan Yifei, Deputy Governor of the 12 session of the national people′s Congress meeting, said at a press conference, the Central Bank will start on July 1 to run a new non-bank payment system of national accounts , to meet consumers ′ increasingly diverse, personal consumption needs. Deadline is approaching, in order to comply with the Central Bank of the non-bank institutions online payments business management regulations, domestic major payment platform will start the real-name authentication.

The methods of personal payment account is divided into three categories, different accounts for different payment function, if the user does not complete account information in a timely manner, will not function properly using the online payment feature: like red hair.

For micro-payments, and the approach is primarily for balance of payment account, in accordance with regulatory requirements, July 1 failed to improve the information of the user, balance of payment account functions will be affected.

In order to ensure that users would be able to use micro-payments, micro-teams in today that required information when users use a micro-payment, the system will be gradually to message inform or pop-up prompts guide the user to perfecting the way account information. No users who receive guidance, could be refined by adding an associate bank card account information .

Micro team revealed that the micro-tied card the user has paid more than 300 million. Tied to real-name card user is user. Non-bank institutions of the network cover the operational management of individual network account is divided into three categories, and provides a variety of functions, limits and information on the accounts of certification standards. Micro-payment will continue to guide the user to perfecting information according to regulatory requirements to meet the certification standards to different levels of information.

Users according to the Guide, fill in the name, identity card number, or add the associated bank cards to complete account information. Micro-payments will gradually introduce more ways to help users easily and quickly complete account information.

回应央行新规:微信支付称将帮用户完善信息 - 微信,央行,支付宝 - IT资讯







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