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published in(发表于) 2016/3/28 6:27:49 Edit(编辑)
Post Mobile Microsoft how to break the deadlock? ,

Post Mobile Microsoft how to break the deadlock? ,(后移动时代的微软该如何打破僵局?,)



Post Mobile Microsoft how to break the deadlock? -Microsoft, Windows,Surface-IT information

Mobile ecosystem built around operating system dominates the Smartphone market is intense, and the new Council now all in the field of encounter outward bound. Latest statistics Android and iOS systems global smartphone market share of more than 95%, and not so long ago, foreign media reported BlackBerry system suffered heavyweight applications Facebook and WhatsApp discards, and Mozilla announced Firefox mobile and project failures are confirmed by the operating system Android and iOS ′ monopoly is still on the rise. In addition to less than 5% shares left in the "sense of place" Windows phone system Samsung Tizen and ignored.

Next out will be Microsoft Mobile? Industry has expressed the same doubts. Windows phone share according to Gartner data to 1.1%, has stopped growing; but IDC thinks that its market share will fall from the current 1.6% 2020 0.9%;Kantar Worldpanel Comtech research report pointed out that Lumia phones originally dominant market share in Central and Eastern Europe started to seriously decline. In addition, quite a long wait for Windows 10 Mobile during the official version of the fan to stay on the job to other platforms, and finally push has been part of the old model of the user (for example, 920 and 1020) unable to provide upgrades of embarrassment. Many recent media claim that Windows Mobile has to die, also have contracted authors continued survival tips for the product. In any case, these are Microsoft needs to re-examine the mobile signal.

Capricious renaming policies undermine brand value

Nadela Office offered two strategic slogan is the "mobile first, cloud-first", another is "productivity platform", which for two years on Microsoft in the cloud, deployment of productivity as worthy, but continues to lag behind are to be dragged in the field of "mobile-first" the objective facts of the hind legs. An obvious details took on mobile issues Microsoft repeatedly and kinky, that′s Windows Mobile system named three times. We know that system was first called Windows Mobile and Windows Phone, Windows now and the 10 Mobile.

Change means innovation, but insisted it would represent a confidence. The past few years, changed its name with every product comes with a new interface and more powerful features, but the succession seems to hint to the outside world a generation ago failed and lost brand value of precipitation. Lack of consistent brand strategy to give consumers enough confidence, long, build a new Mobile brand, the greater the difficulty. Then Nadela realized this problem, all unified Microsoft device platforms operating system called Windows 10, hope it is not too late.

Streamline Lumia product line, pay for the marine tactical

Microsoft zhiqian seems to and didn′t see understand Ann Zhuo debris of of revelation, when acquisition Nokia phone business Hou also once inherited has Nokia of machine sea tactical, this in zhihou of two years in caused Lumia products line flood, large lack personalized of Nokia Lumia phone low in the end, and in the high-end line fuzzy, makes consumers to elusive, this status also for later Windows 10 Mobile of promotion brings inconvenience.

AdDuplex research points out that Microsoft push Windows 10 Mobile caused a small uproar, this system does not seem to start well. According to Microsoft′s Windows Phone upgrade list estimates, about half of the equipment out of the upgrade, while Microsoft′s explanation is "Windows 10 Mobile brings many significant innovations, many of the old equipment because it was unable to provide a better user experience and give up upgrade". Despite the explain fairly honest, but still unable to quell some fans waiting for two years has been cast aside his anger.

In fact, Microsoft last July, has announced plans to streamline its mobile phone production line, includes three types of not more than 6 per year, but this only helps new models to the new system in future, for the mass cannot be upgraded to Windows WP8.1 of 10 Mobile devices, Microsoft can only choose for their "distressing" to pay or make users pay.

UWP, Microsoft′s lifeline

Introduce general Windows platform (Universal Windows Platform, UWP for short) is one of the important projects for Microsoft, but also extremely risky gamble. At the recent game developers Conference Microsoft reiterated the importance of the UWP. UWP for Microsoft, why so important?

UWP′s philosophy is very simple, is also very good, the developer could run through a written application including PC, Tablet, mobile, Xbox, all Microsoft HoloLens device. Microsoft initially designed programmatically through the common platform of drainage has a huge base of best PC developer to help build mobile eco, but the result is the UWP apps often appear first on the PC, and mobile phone program is not updated. This description of an eternal truth – ideals are wonderful, the reality is cruel. While the UWP on operating systems that can run on the same kernel, but whose terminal shape, very different hardware devices, common standards to make common procedures, which is the biggest obstacle to the plan.

But the situation has changed, in the Surface of products under the call, Tablet notebook the unexpected rise of Microsoft 2in1 device with hope. 2in1 equipment in the Terminal forms with traditional PC with similar suitability, but also have a good touch-screen Tablet functionality extended, together with Huawei, ASUS, Lenovo, millet and other manufacturers soon followed suit, so a rise of terminals allows UWP moments have a useless, as well as Microsoft took the lead through the PC with flat-end brings opportunities.

To sum up, we believe that Microsoft′s move is still not out of the "landless" quagmire, the main reason is a serial bad call led to today′s action, and Microsoft needs to have been mistakes all pay to finish washing difficult move for reconstruction. In addition, in long, under Miss moved ahead under the strategic disadvantage, Microsoft needs to move thinking thinking outside of circle, accelerate the development of new product form, in the upcoming VR/AR miracle still rebuilding Terminal in spree opportunity.

Recent views of industry suggested that Microsoft give up dying phone share our view absurd, abandoned Windows Mobile means moving the battle ahead was defeated not only damage investor confidence, also plunged organizational morale for other niche products have been established (such as Surface) will be negatively affected. Microsoft should be ample context of organizational resources to ensure Windows Mobile development and renewal, while the future pattern of Android and the iPhone does not have a large set of variables, but a good product always does not lack of user, also going under in the Red Sea.

后移动时代的微软该如何打破僵局? - 微软,Windows,Surface - IT资讯


下一个出局的会是微软手机吗?业界各方表示了相同的疑问。Gartner数据显示Windows手机份额降至1.1%,已停止增长;而IDC更认为其市占率将从当前的1.6%降至2020年的0.9%;Kantar Worldpanel Comtech的调研报告指出Lumia手机在中东欧地区这些原先优势市场的份额开始严重下滑。另外,不少漫长苦等Windows 10 Mobile正式版的粉丝在期间选择跳槽至其他平台,而终于迎来推送的用户却遭遇了部分旧型号(比如920和1020)无法提供升级的尴尬。近期有不少外媒断言Windows手机已基本走向死亡,也有科博撰文为该产品继续存活而支招。不论如何,这些都已成为微软必须重新审视移动战略的信号。


纳德拉上任后提出过两个战略口号,一个是“移动为先、云为先”,另一个是“生产力与平台”,这两年微软在云、生产力的部署作为上确实可圈可点,但手机领域的持续落后却成为拖了“移动为先”后腿的客观事实。一个明显的细节照出了微软手机问题上的反复与纠结,那就是Windows手机系统的三次命名。我们知道,系统最早的命名叫Windows Mobile,然后是Windows Phone,现在又成了Windows 10 Mobile。

虽然改变意味着革新,但是坚持却代表了自信。过去几年,伴随着每次产品更名都带来了全新界面和更强大的功能,但是这样的产品更迭方式似乎是在向外界暗示上一代的失败和丧失了品牌价值的沉淀。缺乏稳定的品牌策略难以给消费者带来足够信心,长久以往,建立一个新移动品牌的难度也就越大。后来纳德拉意识到这个问题,所有微软设备平台的操作系统统一叫Windows 10,希望为时未晚。


微软之前似乎并没看懂安卓碎片化的启示,当年收购诺基亚手机业务后也一度继承了诺基亚的机海战术,这在之后的两年里造成Lumia产品线泛滥,大量缺乏个性化的诺基亚Lumia手机低中端、中高端界线模糊,令消费者难以捉摸,这种状况也为后来Windows 10 Mobile的推广带来不便。

AdDuplex调研指出,微软最新推送的Windows 10 Mobile引起了不小骚动,这套系统的开局似乎并不顺利。据微软给出的Windows Phone升级名单估算,约有近半数的该类设备无缘此次升级,而微软方面的解释是“Windows 10 Mobile带来了诸多显著创新,许多旧设备因为无法提供更好的用户体验而放弃升级”。尽管这样的解释还算诚实,但仍无法平息一些苦等两年却遭遇抛弃的粉丝怒火。

事实上,微软在去年7月就已公布了精简手机生产线的计划,包括针对三种类型每年不多于6款,但这仅有助于未来搭载新系统的新机型,对于大量无法升级到Windows 10 Mobile的WP8.1设备,微软只能选择为其“痛心”埋单,或是让用户埋单。


推出通用Windows平台(Universal Windows Platform,简称UWP)是微软的重要计划之一,也是极具冒险的一次豪赌。在不久前召开的游戏开发者大会上微软多次重申了UWP的重要性。UWP对微软而言为什么这般重要?





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