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published in(发表于) 2016/3/28 6:25:38 Edit(编辑)
Dare walk mobile phone? You may have committed the crime,

Dare walk mobile phone? You may have committed the crime,(还敢边走路边看手机?你可能已经犯罪了,)



Dare walk mobile phone? You may have committed the crime-mobile phone shells, bow-IT information

The spread of smartphones, has not only changed the way we receive and disseminate information, and also changed the way we walk-two legs in farther, eyes staring at her chest phone bit slippery fingers busy on the screen. Although it looks really more "efficient", but can also be very serious consequences--for example, hit a telephone pole on without warning. And if it happened in the United States of New Jersey, "lost" may be more serious: fines and jail time.

Most recently, Pamela Lampitt House members introduced legislation in New Jersey to prohibit texting walk and only when pedestrians don't have electronic communication devices in hand before they can hit the road. Violators will face fines of up to $ 50, to 15 days in prison.

"Distracted pedestrians, just as distracted drivers, on their own or drivers on the road are a security threat, as dangerous as jaywalking. So there should be at least the same intensity of punishment. ”

In order to make your proposal more persuasive, Lampitt cited several figures to even highlight safety problems caused by distracted pedestrians: United States National Security Council, according to a report by 2000-2011, due to cell phone distraction is expected more than 10,000 people were injured in the accident.

In this female-dominated among more than 10,000 people, mostly for young people under 40 years of age. At the time of the accident, most people are on the phone chatting, texting 12%, close to 80% all because of a fall injury.

(Photo: IntoMobile)

Realize that distracted pedestrians would pose a security threat, Lampitt is not the only one. In Hawaii, a proposal said to be for people who operate electronic equipment when crossing the 250-dollar fine. Similar proposals in the State of Illinois, Nevada, New York State has appeared. But they also have a similar point: have not yet been passed into law.

"To date, none have been developed specifically for distracted pedestrians or cyclists laws. But several States each year are related to proposals being put forward. ”

Douglas Shinkle, head of the National Conference of State legislatures transit projects this passage illustrates, watch phone in the pedestrian walk on this matter, formulate relevant laws might not be a method that can work in a short time.

(Located in Belgium "texting lane")

However, walking on mobile phone as "insiders" we might really be less conscious. United States society of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) did a survey and found that only very few of the Americans have cell phones cause accidents attributed to himself and innocent shot there are other passers-by on the road "obstacle".

Which is asked to walk to be distracted is dangerous but why continue to do when, nearly 30% people on their "one in two" full confidence in the ability, that does not cause accidents. This kind of negligent, may surprise lay hidden.

还敢边走路边看手机?你可能已经犯罪了 - 手机壳,低头族 - IT资讯


最近,新泽西州的众议会议员Pamela Lampitt 提出法案,禁止边走路边发短信行为,另外只有当行人手上没有电子通讯设备才可以上路。违规者将面对最高达50美元的罚款,15天的牢狱生活。







全美州议会联合会交通项目负责人Douglas Shinkle的这段话或许说明了,在处理行人走路看手机这种事上,制定相关法律可能并不是一个在短时间内能起效的方法。




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