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published in(发表于) 2016/3/28 6:25:34 Edit(编辑)
Crazy by terrorists, US lawmakers proposed to buy the system,

Crazy by terrorists, US lawmakers proposed to buy the system,(被恐怖分子逼疯,美议员提议购买手机实名制,)



Crazy by terrorists, US lawmakers proposed to buy the system-the system and FBI-IT information

Apple′s battle with the FBI seems to have come to an end, however, this case also set us thinking, is there a more eclectic approach, let us enjoy the privacy and security protection at the same time, and make related departments did not find it difficult?

United States Congresswoman Jackie Speier of California proposed a new Bill, when is that when consumers buy mobile phones, need to register personal identification so that every Smartphone or non-smart phones have become a "real name".

Of course, in our country, the SIM card the real-name system we have implemented a lot of years, but what about the specific effect, and we appreciate it, so if the cell phone has become the real-name system, is not really to those terrorists formed interference?

Let the cell phone makers are basically impossible to open the back door, side of the station from the many technology giants Apple can already see it, then, if the system can be implemented, to prevent terrorist attacks, drug trafficking will be highly beneficial.

However, there is a very real problem with this approach, after is a cell phone were stolen by terrorists, how to deal with? After we lost phone, does the phone cannot be used immediately? The implementation of a new programme, it appears that has passed test of difficulties.

When those issues are no longer a problem, real-name system if you would like to see the purchase of smart phone will that day come? Slight inconvenience and make the world a far as possible terrorism, I think many people know how to choose.

被恐怖分子逼疯,美议员提议购买手机实名制 - 手机实名制,FBI - IT资讯


美国加州众议员Jackie Speier提出了一个新法案,就是当消费者购买手机的时候,需要登记个人身份证,这样,等于每一部智能手机或者非智能手机都变成了“实名制”。





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