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published in(发表于) 2016/3/28 6:24:47 Edit(编辑)
Aiming first prize, hackers buy lottery tickets

Aiming first prize, hackers buy lottery tickets(瞄准头奖,黑客这样买彩票,)



Aiming first prize, hackers buy lottery ticket-lottery, hack-IT information

If you are a hacker, a desperate for money "wild Hunter". Network in the dark forest, which one would you hunt prey?

I don't have too many thoughts, many hunters will aim at a star beast-the lottery ticket. There is nothing in this world each lottery jackpot of higher returns. Because of this, the heart of "playground" to become a battleground of the hackers and the police.

United States Cyber-shot-point award number

Last week, the United States police control of six hackers, a blockbuster of a lottery scam surfaced.

Who runs several Lottery and sell alcohol and tobacco shop, selling instant lottery tickets. The lottery: "five cards" coupon is made up of five cards. Generate five random cards, if five cards that form certain combinations, such as flush, or more likely a number of other cards, then buyers will get the bonus.

Hacker knowledge on their own, they are playing the lottery idea.

They found that selling lottery tickets at the same time, if you sent a large number of database requests to the server, it will slow down the reaction speed of the system. This time, they can see what the lottery is to be printed. If this is a no winning tickets, they can cancel the purchase before the lottery system has been identified.

In this way, hackers will like to get the game archive, there are countless opportunities to start over. Once the lottery failed to win, immediately cancel again, until the machine prints out the winning numbers.

Relying on this game, winning rate on their Lottery sales jumped to 76% and 67%. While sales in other normal termination, winning rate is only 24%. Lottery officials and police based on their extraordinary odds to become aware that something strange. Since it is difficult to define exactly how many of these people who bought lottery tickets, so the amount of crime is uncertain. The hackers face several felony charges, I am afraid is doomed.

Anshan boss-gold five minutes

Because of the huge amounts of money involved, so regardless of the country in which there are people who play the lottery idea. But the lottery system is often not to force, there were various people want to cry but no tears for the death of vulnerability. The real story here is what has happened in China.

In 2005, Anshan is a lottery shop owner discovers a secret: during the period and within five minutes after the lottery, they can still buy lottery tickets sales system. So he tried to follow the first prize number bought one lottery success ...

So, occasionally buy a first prize number, then feel free to make millions of became his pastime. Until the 2007 Lottery audit, found that 28 million the amount belonging to inventory all the sales and redemption records, picked up on him.

Brought first prize with a steal as entertainment is slightly wrong. Lottery Lottery after cheating vulnerability, how could it look like entrapment ...

Actually, the technical security of the system itself is not all lottery security. Security experts said,

Lottery sales and lottery results of consistency is very high, so they set up multiple authentication systems, once the data does not match, you can according to the clues to investigate.

Even so, in order to buy their lottery tickets and lives to outside hackers still abound.

Code Monkey-Shenzhen-stopper award

On June 9, 2009, the welfare Lottery shuangse Qiu lottery, producing a total of 9 first prize. My friends are surprised: five of the winning numbers are the same person from Shenzhen to buy. However, until the award two days before expiry, the Shenzhen Hao is still not appearing to get 33.05 million worth of prizes. Meanwhile, police cracked a lottery scam, the criminals is a software company in Shenzhen code monkey.

It turns out that company Shenzhen welfare Lottery Center and opportunities for cooperation, the hacker was in the center of a Trojans hang on the server. The instant lottery, the Trojan automatically add five places in the list of the winners of the first prize. However, it appears seamless plan there are two huge holes.

The moment 1, welfare Lottery sales, will back up all data from a CD and hard drive, and offline save;

2, redemption needs a winning lottery ticket, and the bar code is an important security measure.

Until the last minute, the code monkey not to cash. Not because of his conscience, but he found himself no way fake winning tickets. Police data and the original data is a ratio of purchase Prize, just navigate to the hacker figure.

"Shenzhen Lottery case the suspects drive a"

This thing tells hackers, if there is no power against the entire lottery system, tried to vote, it is easy to burn. However, in history there is some "hackers", came to the lottery system fair and square "explosive Chrysanthemum" fame and fortune.

Voltaire--break lottery system has not been punished for hackers

Yes, this is the France great philosophers. See also relentlessly on the Voltaire of the secrets of making money, especially when he found that the lottery system vulnerabilities.

In 1728, the Paris City Government launched a lottery. Only persons holding municipal bonds before they are entitled to buy the lottery tickets. Voltaire's hand happened to have bonds, so he has the right to buy the lottery tickets. Voltaire conveniently calculate the earnings results have made a startling discovery: the lottery prize money over ticket prices!

Voltaire was overjoyed, found his mathematician friend Kang Daiman also came to this conclusion. So they set up a fund to raise funds to the community, the Fund bought all Lottery combinations. Naturally, needless to say, France Government cash bonus, with tears. Voltaire made a killing, then rest of local life to lay.

Of course, like Voltaire encounter such thing in 300 years later seems to have not appeared. Hackers who want to kill the lottery eventually was killed by police.

One second before or in the lottery Hunter walking through a dark forest, one may be imprisoned. Lottery really is a dangerous animal.

瞄准头奖,黑客这样买彩票 - 彩票,黑客 - IT资讯
































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