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published in(发表于) 2016/3/28 6:14:46 Edit(编辑)
Reporters were special police forced at gunpoint to squat, has now reached an understanding

Reporters were special police forced at gunpoint to squat, has now reached an understanding(记者采访遭特警持枪强令蹲下,现已达成谅解)



Reporters interviewed by police in Swat forced at gunpoint to squat: understanding has been reached | reporter | SWAT | forced to squat _ news

Original title: Sichuan reporters by police in Swat forced at gunpoint to squat: has an understanding

Depth method night rates (contributions and manpower Zhu Shunzhong reporter Wang Shuo Zhang Xibin interns) this morning, the legal evening news reporter (app public: view of the sea reference guanhaineican) learned from the Sichuan provincial Department of public security propaganda Department's News Division, March 15 net "Sichuan television reporter was forced at gunpoint to squat by special police" events, involved two TV reporters in Sichuan had reached an understanding with the police.

This morning, the legal evening news reporter (app public: view of the sea reference guanhaineican) learned from the Sichuan provincial Department of public security propaganda Department's News Division, on March 15, the network of "Sichuan television reporters were forced at gunpoint to squat by police" events involved in the two Sichuan TV journalists and local police reached an understanding.

This morning, the staff of the Sichuan provincial Department of public security propaganda news section to the law late reporters on March 15, Sichuan Nanchong Central Hospital filmed TV reporter in doctor-patient dispute when some unpleasantness between the two sides of the conflict. "Our police in maintaining order at the scene, had been holding a gun. At the scene was chaotic, could lead to further escalation. So the situation, police need corresponding police upgraded security measures, not for journalists. After the verification of identity, the two sides reached an understanding. ”

Event review:

On March 15, a "Sichuan journalists were forced at gunpoint by SWAT down" of net heat transfer over the network. Internet post show, the morning of March 15, Sichuan TV reporter Zhang Chengling, Yang Ji, interviewed in Nanchong city, Sichuan province, Central Hospital, was suddenly rushed out of the surrounded by men dressed in police uniforms. Subsequently, the law later contacted Yang Ji and Zhang Chengling, responded that indeed encountered it.

The morning of March 16, Sichuan TV reporter Zhang Chengling late reporters about purposes of the law, the morning of March 15, Nanchong Central Hospital in his interviews with the medical disputes. In his interview in consultation with the hospital staff, were suddenly rushed out of the surrounded by men dressed in police uniforms, one of the SWAT gun, his hands down, and view the related documents. Subsequently, the Swat to Sichuan after television stations to verify and confirm his or her identity as a journalist, quickly left.

The morning of March 16, the legal evening news reporter (app public: view of the sea reference guanhaineican) or contact Nanchong Central Hospital, General Committee Office of the hospital staff told reporters that the Sichuan TV reporter on the morning of March 15, went to investigate, and said the dongcheng police station is already investigating the matter.

The afternoon of March 16, shunqing District Public Security Bureau, Public Security Bureau of Nanchong city, Sichuan province, inspectors brigade staff to act later reporters that was circulated on the Internet in video "Swat" identity for investigation. According to law reporter later the same day, shunqing district Dongcheng police station has been fully investigating the matter.

Responsible editor: Mao Minmin SN184

Article keywords:
Journalist police forced to squat

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Legal evening news
记者采访遭特警持枪强令蹲下 警方:已达成谅解|记者|特警|强令蹲下_新闻资讯

原标题:四川记者采访时遭特警持枪强令蹲下 警方:已达成谅解

法晚深度即时(稿件统筹 朱顺忠 记者 王硕 实习生 张喜斌)今日上午,《法制晚报》记者(微信公众号:观海内参guanhaineican)从四川省公安厅宣传处新闻科了解到,3月15日网传的“四川电视台记者被特警持枪强令蹲下”事件,涉事两名四川电视台记者已和警方达成谅解。








责任编辑:茅敏敏 SN184

记者 特警 强令蹲下


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