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published in(发表于) 2016/3/27 6:25:46 Edit(编辑)
Hon Hai’s sharp romance progress or of both sides on Thursday formally signed an agreement

Hon Hai’s sharp romance progress or of both sides on Thursday formally signed an agreement(鸿海夏普恋情进展:双方或下周四正式签订协议,)



Hon Hai's sharp romance progress or of both sides on Thursday signed an agreement formally-Hon Hai, sharp, Foxconn-IT information

On March 26, according to foreign media reports, two people familiar with the matter said, Hon Hai to buy sharp case has been finalized, the parties will adopt the resolution at the Board meeting next Wednesday, next Thursday to sign formal agreements.

People familiar with the matter said, the two sides settled the purchase details, bid less than disclosed last month. On Monday, news that Hon Hai will be lowered bid from 489 billion yen (about US $ 4.4 billion) to cut about 100 billion yen (about us $ 898 million).

On February 25 this year, sharp's Board accepted the proposal of Hon Hai. Sharp plan through equity financing raise 489 billion yen while sharp shares will be issued to Hon Hai in the equity financing; sharp will be 100 billion yen in bonds from Hon Hai. But then, Hon Hai and declare a moratorium on signing trade agreements.

According to media reports, resulting in Foxconn's reasons for delay signing was the day before sharp has revealed some new information, especially about 20 billion yuan of "contingent liabilities". Foxconn in assessing financial risk in the future, it was decided to suspend acquisition of Sharpe's sharp trade.

鸿海夏普恋情进展:双方或下周四正式签订协议 - 鸿海,夏普,富士康 - IT资讯





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