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published in(发表于) 2016/3/25 9:23:25 Edit(编辑)
Taobao shops selling new three Board listing stocks: company party nasty,

Taobao shops selling new three Board listing stocks: company party nasty,(淘宝店家售卖新三板挂牌企业股票:当事公司急了,)



Taobao shops selling new three Board listing stocks: nasty party company-Taobao, stock-IT information

New sanban lucheng banking company said in a statement, Taobao is not related to the company′s stock transfer companies, and inconsistent with the actual situation. Lucheng Bank said, Taobao shop "good again to Han version brand ladies" (sellers name: Western OASIS 88) to "new ban original equity tone new ban lucheng Bank equity transfer 7.5 Yuan/unit next year listed" for commodity, in Taobao Shang sold company shares, and in exit mechanism in the claimed "exit channel II ′ lucheng Bank target in Board, and junior or venture board achieved IP0 or turned Board, investors high premium exit ′. Exit the channel three ′ Bank of lucheng backdoor listing or listed companies is also ideal for investors to exit. ”

In response, Lu Cheng, according to the Bank the Taobao content companies were released, and publish content with reality. Company has not adopted any off-network forms such as information platform for public release or delegates third parties publish information about any transfer of shares. Company has not developed or issued by the third party agencies on any company′s goals in the Board, junior or gem IP0 or go Board, backdoor listing or to be listed merger and acquisition plans.

Lucheng Bank pointed out that, in accordance with the regulatory measures on non-listed public companies and the national SMEs share transfer system of the interim measures for the management of a limited liability company, national SME share transfer system is listed for public transfer of shares of the company (including information published listed companies stock trading intent) the only legal platform, institution shall not organize any other market the trading behavior and intention to stock trading information is released.

On Taobao query "good Korean brand women′s" keyword, can be found at present, has no relevant information, query the store seller name "Western region OASIS 88" findings suggest "the shop there is no baby, baby may have off the shelf."

Taobao merchants selling third-party companies or third-party companies sell information case was not such a case.

Inquiry found that shops named "lang private financial" Taobao shops with "Jiangsu Olympian anchor be listed new third original equity capital and share increase to 1.6 Yuan/share 1 million" for the sale of goods, but displays the volume to zero.

"Financial franc private" merchant screenshot

However, unlike lucheng Bank case is, "lang private financial" recommended "Jiangsu Olympian ship parts co, Ltd" ban listed companies, are not new, does not constitute a violation of the national SME share transfer system provides determination of the equity transfer.

Exit the channel bar, "lang private financial" project recommendation reads: big shareholders to buy back, new three Board listing.

淘宝店家售卖新三板挂牌企业股票:当事公司急了 - 淘宝,股票 - IT资讯

新三板挂牌公司鹿城银行发布公告称,淘宝上有关该公司股票转让的内容并非该公司发布,且内容与实际情况不符。鹿城银行称,淘宝网店“好再来韩版品牌女装”(卖家名称:西域绿洲88)以“新三板原始股权挂牌新三板鹿城银行股权转让7.5元/股明年上市”为商品,在淘宝网上出售公司股份,并在退出机制中声称“退出通道二 ‘鹿城银行目标在主板、中小板或创业板实现IP0或转板,投资者高溢价退出’。退出通道三 ‘鹿城银行借壳上市或被上市公司并购亦为投资者理想的退出渠道’。”

对此,鹿城银行称,上述淘宝网站内容非公司发布,且发布的内容与实际情况不符。公司没有通过任何场外信息平台等网络形式公开发布或委托第三方机构发布关于任何股权转让的信息。公司也未制定或委托第三方机构发布关于任何公司目标在主板、中小板或创业板实现 IP0或转板,借 壳上市或被上市公司并购的相关计划。

鹿城银行指出,根据《非上市公众公司监督管理办法》和 《全国中小企业股份转让系统有限责任公司管理暂行办法》,全国中小企业股份转让系统是挂牌公司股票公开转让 (含发布挂牌公司股票买卖意向信息)的唯一合法平台,其他任何市场机构不得组织该类交易行为和股票买卖意向信息的发布。



查询发现,店铺名称为“金融郎私募”的淘宝店家,以“拟上市新三板原始股权 江苏奥海锚链增资扩股 1.6元/股 100万起”为商品进行售卖,但目前显示交易量为零。




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