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published in(发表于) 2016/3/25 9:22:54 Edit(编辑)
Secrets of playing career to accompany “the goddess“: play can accompany about guns ignore,

Secrets of playing career to accompany “the goddess“: play can accompany about guns ignore,(揭秘职业陪玩“女神”:陪玩可以,约炮无视,)



Secrets of playing career to accompany "the goddess": play can accompany, ignoring-to accompany about gun play, attractive-IT information

Speaking of Internet cafes with the play, you may have a few small 99, "what′s 80% what kind of shady business dealings."

Look the business, but others, they do not care, high salaries and playing games is the reason for Internet cafes with the play to stop the industry.

In a game to accompany business, 80% more than accompany playing staff were women (also called You Shen), or they look pleasing, high tech or games, or chat skills a lot, work is mainly offline to accompany customers to play games. 20% personnel left the men to accompany playing most of their online orders, contents are mainly leveling and double row on the points.

A long, Wuhan′s sister, average monthly salary more than 8000

Money and wonderful clients coexist but are acceptable

Agiu is a sister of Wuhan, like to play games when she was still at school on recommendation by a fish shop in Chongqing to play when accompanied, at the University after graduating from when I first came to Beijing, she chose to take playing through it did not find a working day.

From Chongqing to Beijing, tourists increased her price from 59 yuan/hour up to 129/hour, as "carry on earlier", coupled with its own technology is also good (five diamonds), top, stable rates ensure her average monthly wage of more than 8000.

Parents know she play this, but they don′t know much about. "Because I told them to play games with others can make money, they also know that I like to play games, I pay attention to safety on the line. ”

How long are going to do to accompany play Agiu said that as long as there is time, list will be answered. If find stable jobs, will reduce orders.

There are many platform wants to dig her as host, but for a long time not so keen. "Because the company was below the line, while taking into account the security problems, but, after all, is the communication between people, face to face. Anchor themselves in front of a computer, hi. I like to chat with people, and anchors the competition too much. ”

For the outside world at the preaching of "accompany = about gun", Agiu says, "my friends and I like to play the game, people who know me know accompany playing a normal job, don′t know if I met explained. ”

Although there is that kind of play as some guns to accompany her customers, a longer General report or ignore, after you complete this form won′t pick up his list.

Agiu also met some wonderful customers, such as accompany playing required to wear stockings, and shoes in a small private dining room, smoking, the smell is very bad.

Agiu said that accompany customers with single majority, also has a travel business, a man in Internet cafes to play boring, find a sister company to play the game.

Accompany playing of a high salary was an important condition for the industries does not decline, by Agiu current orders situation, some stay for four or five hours, plus Internet fee, a customer spends about six hundred or seven hundred Yuan, it is no wonder that accompany playing sister even a part-time job can support themselves in Beijing.

Hooi, 19 years old, typical after the

Ex-boyfriend who is a customer rely on games to make money is the ability

Unlike the Agiu pure "working theory", Hooi 19 years old go play work has also had a romance and customer development.

"Ex-boyfriend who is my client, software knowledge, then offline chat contacts, feeling very fit together. Feeling in the eyes of a boy, ill sister may have a little more of the game to enjoy it. "Hooi under coherent speech, is an eager heart.

Hooi said the home knew she did with fun, "but I explained to them, I was playing games with others, mainly ′ accompany ′ and ′ Strip ′ and they will be a little different. ”

Most of her classmates and friends know her career, "I feel ashamed, this is my favorite job. "Hooi was optimistic about the industry," like my teacher said if you play games to play to support your life, you have the ability to. ”

For the younger generation, they accept new things at a rate far faster than we thought. It is understood that stay below the line played as high as the proportion of female part-time 70%, mostly after the. Their social circle of inclusion as they want a part-time job there play an important condition.

Aife,26 years old, white collar

Not eating on time from work to accompany playing of white-collar workers

Aife in line with the basic characteristics of a normal reticulocyte: slap in the face, cosmetic contact lenses big eyes, long curly hair, thin and stylish, exquisite makeup, but occasionally eyes and pursed lips to remind you that the bad sister.

1990 birth of aife in you God is older, working her part-time love is inexplicable. "Sometimes take a taxi directly to the store after work, meal was too busy to eat. "She said such a move is called" responsibility ", playing one of responsibility and respect for the customer.

Aife elementary school started to play games, from red alert to CS, Warcraft, StarCraft into DOTA2, LOL. "I wanted to play professionally, my mother thinks it′s not real job not to let go, later work like the game, looking for somebody to play part time. ”

Even more surprising is, aife leaders play the game, sometimes even let her play with led the list. But compared to the students and freelancers, working party of aife′s cabaret played part-time on the body consumes more, sleep 6 hours a day.

Aife said he never watched the game or watch instructional videos, all her own practice.

She also wanted to be a woman, to the interview, they advised her not to broadcast the games, girls singing and dancing to make money, but she did not come to this.

As a circle of elderly, Aife advice to accompany game industry newcomer is doing well themselves, not on the solicitation charge is too much effort.

揭秘职业陪玩“女神”:陪玩可以,约炮无视 - 陪玩,美女 - IT资讯





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