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published in(发表于) 2016/3/25 9:21:25 Edit(编辑)
Japan for only one person to open the station, finally closed...,

Japan for only one person to open the station, finally closed...,(日本那个只为一个人开的车站,终于关闭了…,)



Japan for only one person to open the station, finally closing the ...-Japan, railway station, graduation-IT information

On March 25, according to Japanese media reports, the 25th of this month, Japan Hokkaido JR North line old Shirataki station formally closed. Many people spontaneously for the final goodbye.

It is reported that in the 1st of the month, the station's only passenger, local high school junior girls-yuantianhuanai also used to go to school by bus to attend the graduation.

Junior girls yuantianhuanai

Originally, Harada from the station take a bus to school every day for three years. Since almost none of the passengers, there was a proposal to close the station, but local residents have demanded "at least operating up to Harada graduated".

Now, with Harada's graduating, the station formally closed. In April this year, she would go to a Tokyo special school to continue their education to become a nurse.

To this end, the Harada and the parents and many local people have spontaneously come to the station for a final farewell. Harada was to the station and had petitioned for her thanks to the residents of.

日本那个只为一个人开的车站,终于关闭了… - 日本,火车站,毕业 - IT资讯







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