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published in(发表于) 2016/3/25 9:20:15 Edit(编辑)
Construction of medical data platform: Tencent launched “free medical“ strategies

Construction of medical data platform: Tencent launched “free medical“ strategies(大数据构建医疗平台:腾讯启动“腾爱医疗”战略,)



Construction of medical data platform: Tencent launched "free love medical" strategy-data, Tencent, free medical information-IT

On March 25, health and family planning in Guizhou province, Tencent and Guizhou bailing medicine in "Internet + chronic disease management" Conference officially announced "free love medical" Internet + strategic health, disease prevention and control with large data, Tencent Vice President Ding Ke attended the press conference and release medical strategic business are discussed in detail, and large data Internet + medical and "make love doctor" was introduced as a key platform.

Large medical

At the press conference, Tencent Vice President Ding Ke talked about the critical role of data to improve medical conditions. He pointed out that Internet information is currently the medical industry′s biggest obstacle, "make love medical" strategic goal is to use Internet technology to make information sharing to help reform of China′s medical industry. Tencent through a large technical advantage, building an electronic medical record, health record, and other key medical databases.

"Tencent medicine" an important part of the strategy, Internet financial insurance + insurance forms on the Internet, providing patients with specific medical insurance last year, Tencent exclusive cooperation with insurance companies to provide diabetes medical insurance and rehabilitation incentive plan. Future, Tencent will provide more health care insurance company solutions.

Free love doctor

"Make love doctor" hatch within the Tencent′s mobile Internet products, positioning for doctors ′ groups to provide professional Internet services. On the patient side, by doctors, the public, to allow the patient to find the doctor and his condition is the best match. At the doctor′s side, doctors through the certification of an individual or team, the public, through free love doctor APP, build public home page, will show their medical brand to the consumer, brand, help doctors manage patient two functions.

Meanwhile, Teng love doctor APP with an instant messaging function, doctors and patients can be through direct dialog platform. Before the treatment, patient feedback condition, information to doctors advice, between doctors and patients can develop a preliminary understanding. After the treatment, doctors can track changes in treatment of the disease, and arrange on the APP review, plus an appointment, schedule surgery.

Doctors can also be customized for each patient in the APP-specific health record, track and research patient data for patients outside the hospital Guide. Doctors can also make love between doctors APP for online consultation, enhance the efficiency of communication.

At present, the love doctor Teng platforms have covered the head, vascular surgery, cardiovascular surgery, obstetrics and Gynecology and other medical fields, will also work with 100 hospitals in the future.

大数据构建医疗平台:腾讯启动“腾爱医疗”战略 - 大数据,腾讯,腾爱医疗 - IT资讯










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