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published in(发表于) 2016/3/25 9:19:34 Edit(编辑)
Beijing Youth bare-handed climb up the international phase III: just wanted to photograph,

Beijing Youth bare-handed climb up the international phase III: just wanted to photograph,(北京青年徒手爬上国贸三期:就想上去拍照,)



Beijing Youth bare-handed climb up the international phase III: photo-taking trade-IT information

Recently, a "non-protected climbing China World Tower building b" video in the Internet sensation. Video shows a man and a woman companion in the case of non-protected, along the lifting arm traders III b, climbed to the top of the building. 23rd, contacted women climbers, she responded, out of love for photography and extreme sports, she and her boyfriend took this video during the Spring Festival period. However, lawyers said, bare-handed climb buildings acts endangering public security, is not legal.

Event video claiming to be non-protected climbing China World Tower

Recently, a "non-protected climbing China World Tower building b" video in the Internet sensation. This time 2 minutes 47 seconds of the video display, a man in black cotton uniform stands on the roof of tower crane beams, do not wear any safety equipment. Then, the man and another fellow started climbing up along the crane's boom, to the highest office the man holding a camera recording the moment of victory.

Online said the climbers NET called "Josephlulu", companion is his girlfriend in the video. In February this year, in the case of non-protected, both succeeded in climbing as high as 316 meters China World Tower building b.

Reporters found that Twitter profile look, this "after the" boy is 19 years old, came from Beijing, he wrote in his profile: "building, the roof of addiction, photography, fine arts, health, study, adventure".

Cause users a lot of forwards and comment this video. Netizens replied, "look at me went limp that he stood up." Netizens also said, "if accountability, many people will lose their jobs because of such behavior. ”


Take the stairs to the top and climbed up the crane photo

23rd, contacted a woman climber Chen Xue video (not his real name). She said she and her boyfriend are now in College, after the Spring Festival this year, two men climbed into World Trade Center building b with three roof. Chen Xue said that many construction workers and security guards have gone home during the Spring Festival, plus it was on Saturday morning, so they did not encounter too much blocking.

She recalls that day at five o'clock in the morning, they entered the building, after more than an hour to take the stairs to climb to the top. Chen Xue said that no protective glass around the apron of the roof beams, "we like to limit itself, so go the bar to experience the exciting". Subsequently, they began to climb up along the crane boom.

"That day was especially cold, Poles felt cold, wear gloves and special cold, some oil on the crane arm, foot stepping on a particularly sticky and no foot Board on the crane, so there is still a lot of difficulties. "Chen Xue said. Finally, her boyfriend climb at the top of the boom, filmed the video in the most breathtaking sight.

"Climbing is very popular abroad. "Chen Xue said," I hope that more people can understand our point of view, inclusive of this Act. ”

Lawyer perspective

Bare-handed climb buildings without permission illegal

Han Xiao Beijing-run law firm lawyers said climbers applying for the consent of the owner or person in charge of the building, climbing the building damage caused by acts, the property owner has the right to claim damages for climbing one of the buildings. If the Manager or owner of the building does not meet safeguards obligations, regulatory oversight is to bear some civil responsibility which may arise.

"According to the law, climbing crawling as if the consequences of disturbing public order and endangering public security, can be characterized as an offence and punished accordingly. "Han said," there is no protection against bare-handed climb, dangerous probability changed a lot, and once caused the accident, not only its own security is no security of life, also likely to endanger public security. ”

Kangkai Beijing yingke law firm lawyers also said that climbing buildings is not illegal. Kang said, construction site staff are not allowed to enter, they disturbed the social order of entry, even if the building agreed, but no security protection of high-risk behaviour is illegal.


Climber: we want to climb up to take a few pictures

North Green: why would you ever go to climb the stairs?

Chen Xue (a pseudonym): my boyfriend knows a lot of foreigners, some of them will share their experiences of stair. Is my boyfriend decided to get World Trade Center III b. Because by chance I come into contact with the floor exercise, then he slowly fell in love with, plus both my boyfriend and I like photography, so I bring equipment to the roof in the Spring Festival.

North green report: why the roof after crawling along the boom to the top?

Chen Xue: we're not saying you must to climb the crane, but higher than China World Tower building at the top of the crane, if not crawling crane, will not live to see the World Trade Center the top three, and not take out the feel we wanted.

North Green: what measures did you take? So high in protecting their safety?

Chen Xue: we did not have any protective gear, first of all, we are not afraid of heights and, secondly, we brave big; and, third, we will choose the time to climb the stairs, or smaller weather wind, so when we walk on the beam does not have any resistance. Security issues would have, but how you control if you have a clear understanding of yourself, has a good grasp on factors such as weather, coupled with its excellent physical, you can balance it well. We are not to be brave not presumptuous, we know your limits.

Hope that more people can understand the sport

North Green: there is one think extreme sports are also protected, unprotected stair suspected hype, what do you think about it?

Chen Xue: I do not have any protective measures to define extreme sports. Said speculation on the Web the user can blame us, but does not mean that we really have any purpose, we like the feeling of walking upstairs.

North Green: why would the whole process down, and upload it to the Internet?

Chen Xue: just think we don't have a little Memorial, to be regretted. Would also like to record this exciting experience and they can replay the, feel younger have seen how it feels. Originally posted online is trying to convey this idea to more people, because all of this movement are not so inclusive, so hopefully more people can understand the sport.

North Green: you worried that after seeing the video some people will emulate this behavior?

Chen Xue: I would like to say that if you like photography and extreme sports, would like to pass extreme sport this kind of concepts and ideas, and more experienced, like we do. But if you just want to send friends, hold cool, then I suggest is not necessary.

My mother more concerned about security issues

Bei Qing: the family know about it? They support or oppose?

Chen Xue: my mom worried after watching video, she's more worried about security issues, I assured her that, no further than trade three higher, she need not worry. But my father looked after is support.

Bei Qing: Netizen thinks there is no consent stair is equivalent to an offence, you have not considered the legal risks?

Chen Xue: we thought about these matters. But we don't bother anyone, did not take anything at the construction site, without any impact and damage to the site, we just wanted to take a few pictures on this site.

北京青年徒手爬上国贸三期:就想上去拍照 - 自拍,国贸 - IT资讯






































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