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published in(发表于) 2016/3/23 8:50:42 Edit(编辑)
Hunan China Shandong vaccine-related cases under investigation, there were bribes a criminal record

Hunan China Shandong vaccine-related cases under investigation, there were bribes a criminal record(湖南华一涉山东疫苗案被查,曾有行贿前科)



Hunan China Shandong vaccine-related cases were found to have bribed former Hunan _ | | illegal vaccine news

According to Xinhua, problems such as suspicion of the fictional vaccine sales channels, Hunan province, relevant departments have sent task force stationed in Hunan of China in connection with biological products limited (hereinafter "the Hunan China"). In addition, Hunan province, has been woman suspects arrested by the public security authorities.

The first financial daily found that Hunan of Hunan province, China's largest vaccine sales, one of the key management members come from a disease control system. As early as the business was first established, involved a local disease prevention and control system of bribery case. According to industry sources, a large number of disease control system comes set up vaccine sales enterprise, while market share obtained by trading power for money, is this a significant gray chain in the industry.

  25th survey

From the current situation, the Hunan China Shandong Pang are not directly related to a supply and marketing relations.

Hunan provincial disease control system related to the reporters, he was actually a vaccine was first sold to its four line officers in Hunan, Hunan China these referrals to sales. Is not known whether the four officers were Hunan, our employees, or whether to have long-term, stable relations of cooperation.

According to the Hunan province food and Drug Administration introduced, according to the Shandong provincial food and drug Bureau Pang published a list of suspects of illegal vaccines, location by phone number, involving 3 people in Changsha, Yueyang, 1.

Noteworthy is that according to the informed source, this involved two types of vaccine, usually by private vaccine sales enterprises in Hunan China such direct supply to the vaccination unit, the main community hospital. But the flow of vaccine is not yet aware of these issues.

In this regard, introduce Hunan province food and Drug Administration has mandated Changsha, Yueyang city, food and Drug Administration formed task force, in conjunction with the local public security authorities as soon as possible to verify the suspects involved, timely identification of the purchased units and personnel, as well as variety, lot number and quantity of purchased and final sales going.

The Red network of Hunan local official media reported on March 22, food safety in Hunan province food and Drug Administration approval of the Hunan provincial government and the provincial food safety administration, public security, health and Planning Commission and other departments of the Office of the joint working group, Shandong Pang do a some illegal cases of vaccine product disposal and cases. Survey results will be published on March 25, the State food and drug administration, centrally by the State food and Drug Administration to the public.

  Was found in Hunan, China

"89 o ' clock in the morning was also at work, around nine o'clock, was closed. "At noon on March 22, is located in the center of Changsha Hunan China Hunan Fortune Center fiscal room 2506, a Office space is the door closed, next to someone that told the newspaper reporter.

Combined with the company's promotional materials and information of people described to reporters, Hunan, China is one of the largest vaccines businesses in the province. Our public information display in Hunan province, Zhuzhou station of the company formerly known as China National biological products Corporation, was founded in January 1991, the main six Institute of biological products in a variety of products. In 2005 it moved to Changsha, Hunan Hua biological products Ltd changed its name to, for the first access to vaccine-eligible for wholesale enterprises in Hunan province.

Business and information display, Hunan, China, founded in 2005, scope of business includes sales of vaccines and biological products, with registered capital of 20 million Yuan, the three shareholders Tang Jianmin, Xu Xuelin, Li Wei and funded the establishment of natural persons. Among them, Tang Jianmin pay 16.4 million, accounting for 82% a share for the company's legal representative.

Tang Jianmin in 2013, when attending a University MBA an essay called the Hunan China biological products, limited development strategy research paper mentions that, in 2010, the Hunan China sales reached 103 million, accounted for 1/3 of the total vaccine, Hunan province.

"The vaccine on the market right here in Hunan, publicly-funded vaccines accounted for about 80% market share and 80% shares in the market, almost 60% was provided by Chinese companies. "Informed source, publicly-funded vaccine market in Hunan province occupied nearly half of the country for the Chinese companies, vaccine market is not an ordinary businesses are provided at public expense," the strong monopoly and Government procurement, uniform pay, the industry called it the ' money '. ”

Tang Jianmin said in the preceding paper, "the company is now China's biotechnology group, Chongqing Zhi bio technology Ltd, Yunnan wosheng Biotechnology Corporation, and Switzerland, Novartis, and United Kingdom Glaxo Smith Kline, and Germany MSD such as general agent in Hunan province, part of the company's products. ”

  Grey behind the bribing ex-chain

In Hunan China survey and its associated staff background, people reminded of the newspaper reporters, the company was first established was involved in a bribery case has been heard in public, which highlights the vaccine market behind gray chain not known to outsiders.

According to people familiar with the guidelines, the first financial daily found that Tang Jianmin, Chairman of huayi was originally involved in Huaihua City in Hunan province Li Mou bribery case, Director of centers for disease control and biological products.

Tongdao Dong autonomous county, Hunan province, the people's Court judgment in early 2005, Lee represented the CDC in Huaihua to Zhuzhou, China biological products limited (hereinafter "Zhuzhou, China") purchased the vaccine, as well as to give their individual rebate, Tang Jianmin, agreed. Lee Zhuzhou from China benefited a total of 57250 Yuan. Tang Jianmin himself testified in the case, said Hua a sale to Huaihua, Zhuzhou CDC about 3, 40,000 fine Japanese encephalitis vaccine, there are small parts of other vaccines.

Relevant facts of the case in 2005, Hunan China year established.

Informed source, obtain market share by trading power for money, almost vaccine market is an open secret. "This is a windfall, especially publicly-funded vaccines, is almost the ' money ', but is controlled by the CDC at all levels, rent space is very large. ”

Not only that, the people familiar with the introduction, "who do not have the money to through the relationship, must have a deep understanding of network resources they will ignore you. "That's what this industry is highly regulated and embodiment of the monopoly.

Tang Jianmin of the Hunan China biological products research on development strategy of information referred to in article also confirms the foregoing from the side of the people saying: "leadership and marketing teams in most provincial, city and County CDC (Center for disease control) work experience. "" Early China company has made significant investments in sales and marketing, including the relationship between city and county level CDC maintenance ".

Perhaps it is because of these advantages, Hunan province, Hunan, more than one year to be CDC category of procurement at all levels bid the enterprise, its operations in Hunan Province "and 14 cities under the jurisdiction of the township", "in a lot of cities, China company is designated by the Municipal Government of vaccine buyers. ”

Tang Jianmin has mentioned this in his paper, Hunan China to make use of their own advantages, annexation of more than more than 30 vaccines business enterprises in the country.

"The company's mission is to, bear 123 counties in Hunan province, responsibility of the development of the vaccine industry, Hunan provincial people's disease prevention and treatment of products and services provide a solid support. "He said.

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Illegal vaccines, Hunan

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湖南华一涉山东疫苗案被查 曾有行贿前科|非法疫苗|湖南_新闻资讯


  《第一财经日报》调查发现,湖南华一为湖南省最大的疫苗销售企业之一,主要管理成员均出身于疾控系统。早在这家企业成立之初,便牵涉一宗地方疾控系 统人员的受贿案。据行业内部人士透露,大量疾控系统出身的人员设立疫苗销售企业,同时通过权钱交易获得市场份额,是这个行业内一条显著的灰色链条。






  对此,湖南省食药监局介绍已责成长沙、岳阳市食药监局组成专案组,会同当地公安机关尽快核实涉案嫌疑人身份,及时查明购进单位和人员以及购进的品种、批号、数 量,以及最终销售去向等。

  湖南当地官方媒体《红网》报道,3月22日,湖南省食安药监局已报请湖南省政府成立由省食安药监局、公安厅、卫计委等部门组成的联合工作组,共同做 好山东庞某非法经营疫苗案件涉案产品处置和案件查处工作。调查结果将于3月25日前报国家食品药品监督管理总局,由国家食药监总局统一向社会公开。



  结合公司宣传资料及知情人士向记者介绍的信息,湖南华一是该省最大的疫苗销售企业之一。湖南华一的公开信息显示,这家公司前身为中国生物制品总公司 株洲供应站,成立于1991年1月,主营六大生物制品研究所的各种产品。2005年迁至长沙,更名为湖南华一生物制品有限公司,为湖南省首批获得疫苗批发 资格的企业。



  “在湖南本土疫苗市场上,公费疫苗占据了将近80%的市场份额,而80%的市场份额中,将近60%是华一公司提供的。”知情人士介绍,湖南省公费疫 苗市场将近半壁江山为华一公司所占领,公费疫苗市场不是一般企业能够获得,“极强的垄断性,又是政府采购,统一支付,行业内把它叫做‘捡钱’。”





  根据湖南省通道侗族自治县人民法院的判决书,2005年年初,李某代表怀化疾控中心到株洲华一生物制品有限公司(下称“株洲华一”)联系购疫苗事 宜,同时提出要给其个人回扣,唐建敏表示同意。李某从株洲华一共得到好处57250元。唐建敏本人在该案中作证称,株洲华一销售给怀化疾控中心大概3、4 万支精致乙脑疫苗,还有小部分其他疫苗。








责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

非法疫苗 湖南


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