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published in(发表于) 2016/3/23 8:50:35 Edit(编辑)
Highest tone of handling problems vaccine cases, Shandong has control of 37 people,

Highest tone of handling problems vaccine cases, Shandong has control of 37 people,(最高检挂牌督办问题疫苗案,山东已控制37人,)



Highest tone of handling problems vaccine, Shandong has control 37 | problem vaccines _ news

CNS, Beijing, March 23-General news, in recent days, up to 570 million Yuan worth of illegal operations involved vaccine caused concern. At present, the official 9 suspected drug wholesaler list of fictional vaccine sales channels, more than have already been investigated and dealt with. Rapid troubleshooting functions regulation, 37 persons involved in Shandong has control of them. In addition, the Supreme People's Procuratorate has also listed it as a supervising the case.

How many enterprises involved a fictional vaccine sales channels?

--A total of 9 drug wholesaler

According to Jinan police had informed, since 2011, a daughter of Shandong province, Pang Sun an illegal purchase of 25 children, adults with two kinds of vaccines, without strict cold chain storage transport are sold to provinces, in connection with the value of more than 570 million Yuan.

Information issued by the State food and Drug Administration said that by the Bureau in Jinan, Shandong province seized illegal vaccines and drug data analysis found that 9 pharmaceutical wholesale companies allegedly fictional vaccine sales channels.

9 pharmaceutical wholesale companies: anti-Biologicals supply center, Hunan, Hebei Province China biological products co, yikang beings pharmaceutical biotechnology in Shaanxi, Shandong biotechnology limited company, Shandong is Jay biological pharmaceutical and the State pharmaceutical company, Jilin biological products co, Jining TriStar medical limited, Shaanxi dakang Biologics limited liability company.

Food and drug administration requirements, local food and drug supervision Bureau on this 9 pharmaceutical wholesale company immediately launched an investigation, thoroughly fiction sales product of real flows, verify violations, case investigated immediately and seriously punish according to law. Involving other enterprises must get to the bottom. Findings reported to the food and drug administration before March 25, 2016, and will be open to the public.

Which companies involved have been investigated and dealt with?

--Hua biological products Ltd legal representative of Hunan province under investigation

News 22nd Hunan province food and Drug Administration said, cases involving the illegal vaccines in Hunan, Hua biological products Ltd legal representative and officials are under investigation.

--Shandong Sino-em-trust technology revocation drug operation

Because of illegal sales of vaccines, biotechnology limited company of Shandong serious violations of provisions of the medicine quality control specifications, Shandong province food and drug administration in accordance with the regulations for medicine quality control certification article 45th, 22nd revoked its certificate of medicine quality control specifications. This means that the company lost their eligibility for drug.

--State pharmaceutical company under investigation

21st for the food and drug Bureau in Zhengzhou allegedly fictional vaccine sales channel of State pharmaceutical company to initiate an investigation, Henan province food and Drug Administration also dispatched supervision groups, urge, directing investigations. At present, Zhengzhou, food and Drug Administration has sent a letter of investigation, verification flow and quantity of vaccine.

Troubleshooting throughout the progress of the renovation?

Shandong has control--37 illegal vaccines involved

Disposal of cases of illegal vaccines working group, from Shandong province, sources said, as of 22nd at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, 37 illegal vaccine involved has to be controlled.

At present, Shandong province food and Drug Administration has sent 9 special inspection unit, on the one hand urging the municipal food and drug supervision departments, together with public security departments as soon as possible to verify the suspects involved, identify illegal purchase and sale of vaccines. The other hand, direct food and drug supervision departments at all levels to vaccine use in the operation of the unit in the area to conduct a comprehensive inspection. As of 22nd, inspection business using 2,276 in the province, accounting for all business units of 70%.

--Control of Hunan 1 suspected case, verification of 3 others

The past two days, according to Shandong province, released by the food and Drug Administration sales referrals involved 4 persons involved in Hunan suspect member of the list and an investigation leads, Hunan province food and drug administration, Public Security Bureau, Hunan province guide urging Changsha, Yueyang food drug, and public security departments to work closely with the two cities, measures are being taken for verification.

At present, the Changsha public security organ control 1 suspected case, and investigation; 3 others are verifiable.

--Shenzhen police control a persons

Shandong provincial food and drug Bureau announced on 19th "on the Pang case clues of illegal operations, such as vaccine announcement" appeared in Shenzhen, a suspected seller information.

Shenzhen City, according to the food and Drug Administration issued on 21st, Shenzhen food and drug inspection departments have on the day of announcement, report this thread for the first time to the public security Department, the investigation. According to the latest situation bulletin suspected sellers of Shenzhen "yellow increased wealth" is now controlled by Shenzhen public security, will be further investigation.

--Chongqing investigation 4 persons involved in

Chongqing, released by the food and drug administration, Shandong province, 4 involved (line 2, line 4, two of them coinciding with the line) lists, food and drug administration in Chongqing said on 22nd, is now investigating, verifying the identity of the persons involved and illegal purchase and sale of vaccines as soon as possible.

--Shaanxi interviewed 24 vaccines business, investigation of 14 persons involved

22nd Shaanxi Province food and Drug Administration said, according to media reports, Shandong police uncovered illegal vaccine product of the circumstances of the case, the province has interviewed 24 vaccine business, and set up a vaccine investigation team which went to Xian, Yanan, weinan and troubleshooting.

It is understood that, according to the food and drug supervision Bureau of Shandong province, involving Shaanxi arrested 14 (line 8, line 6) list of Shaanxi requirements by conducting investigations, verifying the identity of the persons involved and illegal purchase and sale of vaccines as soon as possible, to immediately initiate an investigation of violations, strictly investigated and dealt with according to law. At present, the province has verified the identity of the relevant persons and enterprises to carry out detailed inspections.

Highest tone of supervising illegal vaccine series case

22nd, the Supreme People's Procuratorate will vaccine series cases listed as handling cases of illegal business operations, and issued a notice, call on the prosecutorial supervision departments at all levels to do a good job handling cases in this series.

Notice that the area involved procuratorial supervision departments at all levels should attach great importance to, and local food and drug departments, public security organs working connections and close cooperation, comprehensive, in-depth understanding of inflow of illegal vaccines, crime information, inform the perfect clue, to transfer the case, information sharing and other mechanisms. Provincial Prosecutor's Office to find out the truth quickly, timely summary report the highest Office for investigation and supervision.

The circular stressed, in connection with the prosecution investigation and supervision departments should give full play to the prosecution function actively gets involved in the investigation, and guide the public security organs around the conviction of key overall objective fixing the evidence gathered according to law, meets the conditions for arrest in time for approval of arrest, and catching action follow-up work. Prosecution to play integration advantages, combined with the special case of crimes against food and drug safety oversight activities, severely crack down on crimes against food and drug safety. Provincial Prosecutor's Office investigation and supervision departments should strengthen guidance, study case law, strictly control the evidence, facts, off, ensure the quality of handling cases, protect people's lives and health.

Incorrect storage or expired vaccine will happen?

--Who: almost does not cause toxic reactions

Informed the 22nd World Health Organization China Representative Office said, has learned that China's vaccine event, who will wait for the findings of published and ready for Chinese health authorities to provide support.

Notify who pointed out that vaccines should be properly stored and managed, otherwise it will lose effectiveness or reduce effectiveness. But it is important to note, incorrect storage or expired vaccine does not cause toxic reactions, so in this case, vaccine safety risk is very low. The risk to children is the lack of ability to prevent the disease, which is the purpose of vaccination.

Informed that who know China expanded programme on immunization vaccine is safe and effective, and have eliminated polio and neonatal tetanus by vaccination, and vaccine-preventable diseases in China at a lower level. Chinese parents who encouraged continued routine vaccination to help protect children against vaccine-preventable diseases injuries. (End)

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Question vaccines

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最高检挂牌督办问题疫苗案 山东已控制37人 |问题疫苗_新闻资讯

  中新网北京3月23日电 综合消息,连日来,涉案价值高达5.7亿元的非法经营疫苗案持续引发关注。目前,官方公布的9家涉嫌虚构疫苗销售渠道的药品批发企业名单中,已有多家被查 处。各地职能部门迅速排查整治,其中山东已控制37名涉案人员。另外,最高人民检察院也已将其作为挂牌督办案件。





  这9家药品批发企业为:河北省卫防生物制品供应中心、湖南华一生物制品有限公司、陕西益康众生医药生物有限公司、山东兆信生物科技有限公司、山 东实杰生物药业有限公司、郑州邦正医药有限公司、吉林尚元生物制品有限公司、济宁福泰医药有限公司、陕西医维达康生物制品有限责任公司。












  目前,山东省食品药品监管局已派出9个专项检查组,一方面督促各市食品药品监管部门,会同公安部门尽快核实涉案嫌疑人身份,及时查明疫苗非法购 销情况。另一方面,指导各级食品药品监管部门对辖区内疫苗经营使用单位进行全面监督检查。截至22日,全省共检查经营使用单位2276家,占全部经营使用 单位的70%多。


  近两日,根据山东省食品药品监督管理局公布的销售下线涉及湖南的4名涉案嫌疑人员名单和协查线索,湖南省食药监局、湖南省公安厅指导督促长沙、 岳阳两市食药监和公安部门紧密配合,正在采取措施进行核查。













  通知强调,涉案地检察机关侦查监督部门要充分发挥检察职能,主动介入侦查,引导公安机关围绕定罪的关键环节,依法全面客观收集固定证据,符合逮 捕条件的要及时批准逮捕,并做好捕诉衔接工作。要发挥检察一体化优势,结合危害食品药品安全犯罪专项立案监督活动,依法严厉打击危害食品药品安全犯罪。各 省级检察院侦查监督部门要加强对下指导,深入研究案件法律适用问题,严把证据关、事实关,确保办案质量,切实保障人民群众生命健康。






责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222



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