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published in(发表于) 2016/3/23 8:50:33 Edit(编辑)
Henan coaxed hundreds of villagers to dig silver, the local Government sent out excavators

Henan coaxed hundreds of villagers to dig silver, the local Government sent out excavators(河南数百村民哄挖银元,当地政府出动挖掘机)



Henan coaxed hundreds of villagers to dig silver dollar, the local government dispatched Henan Luoshan | |-dug in excavator and a silver _ news

Original title: hundreds of villagers in Henan flood coax dug silver, local police said it had to stop

CNS, Xinyang, March 23 (reporter Qi Yong)-recently, Gao Dian Xiang Huai 构词成分。, Luoshan village in Henan, one of the floodplain, coaxed hundreds of villagers dug silver sold a thing, has aroused social concern. Local police responded that in order to avoid accidents, has been stopped.

In recent days, hundreds of villagers were gathered in Gao Dian Xiang Huai 构词成分。, Luoshan village digging on a beach, and after someone dug out silver dollars, selling. According to the different silver cast of the year, it was asking price ranging from 2000 to 20000 Yuan.

After the incident, attracted great attention by local cultural relics departments and the police, Deputy Commissioner of the Bureau of cultural relics, Luoshan Tian Xingang Beijing, Xinhua said, after inspection, which is not a tomb, nor the site, people dug out a small amount of silver dollars, there may be buried in the ground after someone put the silver altar before, after the water break was found naked outside. Field Director, people dug out of these silver dollars, not the cultural relics market worth thousands of Yuan, worth tens of thousands of Yuan.

GAO Dian Xiang, Luoshan station officer Cheng said, due to too many gathered near the crowd, fearing accidents, at present, the villager to a silver, has been stopped. According to reports, the scene has been dug is gone, hope people don't believe rumors.

It is understood that the local government in order to discourage people to blindly "Taobao" idea, 22nd, using excavators to turn publicly again, hours of digging, the results did not find a silver dollar. (End)

Responsible editor: Ni Zi Jiang

Article keywords:
Luoshan County in Henan province to dig silver

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China News Network
河南数百村民哄挖银元 当地政府出动挖掘机|河南罗山县|挖银元_新闻资讯

  原标题:河南数百村民河滩哄挖银元 当地警方称已制止

  中新网信阳3月23日电(记者 齐永)近日,河南罗山县高店乡浉淮村附近一处河滩上,因数百村民哄挖银元卖钱一事,引起社会关注。当地警方就此回应称,为避免出现意外事故,目前已制止。






河南罗山县 挖银元


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