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published in(发表于) 2016/3/21 8:07:57 Edit(编辑)
Amazon: Kindle will be unable to access eBook Store old versions,

Amazon: Kindle will be unable to access eBook Store old versions,(亚马逊:老版本Kindle将无法访问电子书店,)



Amazon: Kindle will not be able to access old versions-Kindle electronic Bookstore, Amazon, upgrade-IT information

IT information news on March 21, Amazon emergency has issued a notice, if consumers are now using the old Kindle electronic reader, then you must upgrade before March 22, otherwise the device will not be able to access the electronic Bookstore, and out of sync cloud features.

Unlike in the past, the Amazon Upgrade decisively turned. Want handheld devices such as Kindle or Kindle Paperwhite Keyboard users upgrade as soon as possible, not only through the USB connected to the computer tries to update.

Following is the need to update the list of devices:

Kindle 1st Generation (2007)

Kindle 2nd Generation (2009)

Kindle DX 2nd Generation (2009)

Kindle Keyboard 3rd Generation (2010)

Kindle 4th Generation (2011)

Kindle 5th Generation (2012)

Kindle Touch 4th Generation (2011)

Kindle Paperwhite 5th Generation (2012)

亚马逊:老版本Kindle将无法访问电子书店 - Kindle,亚马逊,升级 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 3月21日消息,亚马逊近日紧急发出通知,如果消费者目前使用的是老款Kindle电子阅读器,那么必须在3月22日之前进行升级,否则该设备将无法访问电子书店,并失去同步云端的功能。

与以往不同,这次亚马逊的升级态度果断而决绝。希望手持Kindle Keyboard或者Kindle Paperwhite等设备的用户尽快升级,不然只能通过USB连接电脑尝试更新了。


Kindle 1st Generation (2007)

Kindle 2nd Generation (2009)

Kindle DX 2nd Generation (2009)

Kindle Keyboard 3rd Generation (2010)

Kindle 4th Generation (2011)

Kindle 5th Generation (2012)

Kindle Touch 4th Generation (2011)

Kindle Paperwhite 5th Generation (2012)

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