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published in(发表于) 2016/3/21 8:06:35 Edit(编辑)
US media attention to China’s military reform: the issue with the United States competition signals

US media attention to China’s military reform: the issue with the United States competition signals(美媒关注中国军队改革:发出与美国竞争信号)



US media attention to China's military reform: the issue with the United States competitive signals | modified | American troops _ news

On September 3, 70 Chinese people's anti-Japanese war and the world anti-fascist war victory anniversary conference was held in Beijing. It is by reading the soldiers through Tiananmen Square.

  Reference news, March 21 us media said China is currently conducting a driving its military modernization and professionalization of reform efforts, Chinese forces sent a strong signal that it is prepared as a global superpower and the United States to compete. One of the most significant developments is that China plans to build a logistics facility in Djibouti, which will be China's first overseas construction logistics facilities. Defence Ministry spokesman Wu Qian, said the facility will better ensure Chinese implementation of international peacekeeping, and the Gulf of Aden and waters off Somalia, humanitarian and rescue tasks.

According to the United States cable news network March 10 article says, China's new base will be close to the United States only a military base in Africa, which is also located in Djibouti. It was a place of strategic importance, to strengthen the protection comes from the Arabian Peninsula's oil transport capacity, and into the Arabian Peninsula more easily.

12th China announced that its military spending this year will increase 7.6%, down from the double-digit growth of previous years, but the actual growth is likely to be much higher. In September last year, China announced that 300,000 disarmament, which initially appeared to be losing some of the burden, because the size of the Chinese people's Liberation Army is still more than 2 million people, recently there are signs that disarmament will be officers, political officers. This is a aims to adjustment over the next two years the army structure an integral part of broader reform plans.

From 2010 to now, China's arms sales have almost doubled, it has become in the United States and Russia after the world's third largest exporter of weapons. Last month, at the Singapore Airshow has demonstrated its older fighter -10 fighter in order to sell the aircraft.

Article said that arms sales are not only a source of income, but also a symbol of military influence and global leadership, it also helps to strengthen the political Union. China is trying to make itself a global superpower that needs to have a feature, it also marks a major history and consciousness.

Chinese people's Liberation Army to focus on protecting its borders in the past, it is because to a certain extent, China exclusion on the awareness activities with fascism or imperialism color (especially maintain overseas bases).

Article said, throughout these conditions, they are not contrary to the China's pursuit of a "peaceful rise" claimed it? The answer is Yes, and no. Clearly, China and United States to compete, and not only in the Asia-Pacific region.

Article said that joint operations command, the aircraft carriers and overseas bases will provide remote capability clearly shows that China intends to become a global superpower, but that does not mean that China wanted to see the South China Sea and the East China Sea a conflict erupted.

Article said that China has not fought since 1979, a contemporary war will need to take and in Viet Nam is very different approaches. The "peaceful rise" is clearly wary of: Communist China is not required to fight a war become a world superpower. (Compile/Li Sha)

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

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  参考消息网3月21日报道 美媒称,中国目前正在进行一项推动本国军队现代化和职业化的多方面改革努力,中国军队正在发出强烈信号:它正准备作为一个全球超级大国与美国展开竞争。最 重大的进展之一是,中国计划在吉布提建立一处后勤保障设施,这将是中国在海外建设的首个后勤保障设施。国防部新闻发言人吴谦称,该设施将更好地保障中国军 队执行国际维和、亚丁湾和索马里海域护航、人道主义救援等任务。


  中 国12日宣布,其军费开支今年将增长7.6%,低于前些年的两位数增长,但实际增长很可能会高得多。中国在去年9月份宣布裁军30万,这最初看似是要减掉 一些负担,因为中国人民解放军的规模仍将超过200万人,但最近有迹象表明,裁军将针对军官,包括政治军官。这是未来两年中一项旨在调整军队结构的更广泛 改革计划的组成部分。







责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

军改 美军


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