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Adobe Flash Player(IE) 浏览器专用的FLASH插件
published in(发表于) 2016/3/20 7:05:07 Edit(编辑)
“How many girls“ friends noisy, photographer published answers

“How many girls“ friends noisy, photographer published answers(“到底有几个女孩”网友吵翻,摄影师公布答案,)



"How many girls" friends fallen, photographer published answers-micro letters, circle of friends, girls-IT information

Recently, Switzerland were made by photographer Vergari on instagram photo, only to let Internet users broke: picture a few girls? Some say two, some say four, it is said that 12, it was also said that 13 ... ... You think it is?

Now, the photographer has released answers: is two, and the girl in the photo was her two daughters. This photo has fueled controversy, mainly because in the scenario shown in the photo actually exists on both sides of the mirror, so the picture appeared in an infinite loop.

“到底有几个女孩”网友吵翻,摄影师公布答案 - 微信,朋友圈,女孩 - IT资讯



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