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published in(发表于) 2016/3/18 6:37:13 Edit(编辑)
Secret “hungry“ meal of the day: a bad review even in vain,

Secret “hungry“ meal of the day: a bad review even in vain,(揭秘“饿了么”送餐员的一天:一个差评就算白干,)



Secret "hungry" meal of the day: a bad review even in vain-hungry, takeout, 315, room-IT information

The night of March 15, hungry it unfortunately became the first CCTV 315 party was exposed to the enterprise. CCTV reporters after a field investigation, said hungry "black workshop" without scruples the real interests of consumers. In "hungry" on the site, restaurant photos looked clean and formal glamorous, but it was the oil flow unsightly. Hunger has also been pushed to the forefront of public opinion. There is media in the present and camera hungry meal, let us look at an ordinary Shanghai hungry take-away meals and what′s the story behind it.

On March 16, 2016, an hour before lunch, a Braised Chicken Rice shop in Hongkou district of Shanghai, has just completed a single distribution of the old printed on "hungry" logo blue helmet, open the phone ready to start the next work. A distribution station of the four horsemen, rapidly day after day into daily operations. Radius of three kilometers of the restaurants, commercial buildings, residential, schools, became their main battleground.

Auto repair change of takeout and old and hungry from Shandong distribution should be considered an old biker. Prior to joining hungry takeout, he has fought for more than 10 years in Shanghai. Now, rent in Shanghai, his wife and children also received around. Do auto repair tried odd jobs, finally, at the recommendation of a friend, for hungry when meal takeout.

Send nearly 40 common to roads alone is familiar with, plus the more diligent, his orders have been more, "sent nearly 40 a day just common, although there are no basic work revenue depends on orders, but higher monthly salaries than in the original work a bit."

After several "running", Zhang knew the property within a radius of 3 km. Know which door or elevator, near the location where users. Meet my company′s name not only write the full address order, and can quickly find their location.

Riders are hard earned money "although wages are high, are we through rain and wind back. "Zhang said his age, to catch the time, often holding a food run, sometimes sending slow, the food temperature, customers do not understand, give him a bad review, this one-even if the work was in vain .

Every peak in 10:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M., 4:30 to 7:30 by night, four takeaway meal has never allowed, bread and simple to deal with. Usually make five thousand or six thousand a month, much will get a seven thousand or eight thousand, but others for dinner time, it′s prime time, is often a race against time "to someone hungry meal."

"Menus General buildings, hospitals and other high traffic areas were stolen. "Stakeholders, riders now vulnerable to theft site will carry take-out boxes go to room, avoid the food out of their line of sight.

"Restraint" little brother has passed the age of joining the hungry years, old takeout "little brother" road goes on, he stressed, on the route to be cooked, for business customers honestly, to be honest with customers, problems should be promptly requested peer help.

While still being known as little brother, is now over the age of, Zhang introspective, asking him why he changed his job just smiled without answering, when delivered to the customer, he says with a smile: "enjoy your meal/working smoothly", then gently on the door.

揭秘“饿了么”送餐员的一天:一个差评就算白干 - 饿了么,外卖,315,送餐员 - IT资讯











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