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published in(发表于) 2016/3/18 6:35:36 Edit(编辑)
Foreign Media: investors have used fake Alibaba problem, 315 shares instead of exposure,

Foreign Media: investors have used fake Alibaba problem, 315 shares instead of exposure,(外媒:投资者已习惯阿里巴巴假货问题,315曝光股价反涨,)



Foreign Media: investors have used fake Alibaba problem, 315 exposure shares instead-315,315 party, Alibaba, Taobao-IT information

Beijing time on March 17, according to Fortune magazine's online edition reported that Alibaba's investors seem to be accustomed to massive fraud on Taobao platforms.

Earlier this week, after an investigation, CCTV exposure at staged a party sales fraud problems of Alibaba's Taobao. NET is similar to the United States of eBay, with more than 8 million seller, however some of these sellers through bogus transactions to improve store ranking. For example, when you search in Taobao, "Star Wars", the page appears in thousands of stores, in order to let their storefronts appear in position, some businesses have paid fraudulent customers submit orders, and send them to an empty box. This phenomenon in China known as "scalping".

In fact, this type of news is not the first time, the Wall Street Journal and other media and the company has repeatedly seen Ali's fake question last year. The press it is worth noting that for two main reasons.

The first reason is that CCTV changed this year in previous years, the main exposure of foreign "traditional" guns on the Chinese companies, especially Internet companies in China.

The second is, Alibaba's investors, it seems, and the CCTV exposure was not ignored. Today, Ali platform costs and fake problems, investors are no longer as sensitive as Ali when it was first listed. Remember in January 2015, China's State administration for industry and Commerce said in a report, and Alibaba's Taobao, exist in access is not strict, product information reviews weak 5 outstanding issues such as sales management, fake problems its platform. After the announcement, the company lost $ 30 billion in a short time the market value. This time, however, Alibaba's shares almost unaffected. Except in the day fell on the day of the party 1.53%, Alibaba's shares on Wednesday were actually higher than the exposures the day before.

Alibaba did not address specific cost issues on its Web site, however, the company said, will spend hundreds of millions of dollars every year for match-fixing. This might have been enough to quell investor worries, however, were targeted by State media is not something to be proud of.

外媒:投资者已习惯阿里巴巴假货问题,315曝光股价反涨 - 315,315晚会,阿里巴巴,淘宝 - IT资讯







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