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published in(发表于) 2016/3/18 6:30:45 Edit(编辑)
Jiangxi asked propaganda “farmer appreciation of the home buyers in the city is“ concept

Jiangxi asked propaganda “farmer appreciation of the home buyers in the city is“ concept(江西要求宣传“农民在城市购房是升值”理念)



Jiangxi asked propaganda "farmer appreciation of the home buyers in the city is" idea | migrant workers _ news

Nanchang daily screenshot

Original title: Jiangxi requires publicity "farmer in the city buying was stronger in rural housing construction down" concept

A reporter learned from the provincial Department of housing, held recently in our province the province's housing Secretary seminars, full deployment of real estate inventory.

At present, Jiangxi facing inventory pressures, risks gradually accumulate market differentiation clearly, unbalanced development; market demand increases, development and so on. Encourage migrant workers and peasants in our province House, at the same time, increase the sheds placed to change currency, future government projects are no longer built houses, promote the placement of currency, the key lies in giving benefits to people. In addition, to use all your use of the Provident Fund, focus on improving loan rates, play the Housing Fund to support workers to improve housing conditions of purchase and inventory on which to battle.

Requirements of our province, around the city to touch inventory, developing inventory programme, based on Unreal, timely introduction of specific programmes. Meanwhile, to give wide publicity to inventory policy, consensus, promoting a "farmers in urban housing appreciation in rural housing construction down" concept.

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

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Migrant workers

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  原标题:江西要求宣传“农民在城市购房是升值 在农村建房是贬值”理念

  本报讯 记者从省住建厅获悉,我省近日召开全省房管局长座谈会,全面部署房地产去库存工作。



责任编辑:陈琰 SN225



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