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published in(发表于) 2016/3/17 7:16:44 Edit(编辑)
Zhou’s mantra: just needs, pain points, high frequency,

Zhou’s mantra: just needs, pain points, high frequency,(周鸿祎做好产品的六字真言:刚需、痛点、高频,)



Zhou′s mantra: just needs, pain points, HF-Zhou hongyi, product manager-IT information

For many traditional businesses, to embrace the Internet and spend money on technology is synonymous with cloud computing, big data, social networks, mobile terminals of these concepts. But outside of poems is the so-called Kung Fu, test whether the innovation is the only way users pay product can solve the user′s problem, can bring value to the user, which is boosting sales productivity, also a competition to establish differences and promote the progress of power.

I recently read a book called the methodology of product managers, it proposed the idea to verify my ideas, that product, must be settled in just needs, pain points, high frequency on these six words. What′s that supposed to mean? Is the product must be the user′s needs, must solve a user pain points and scenes in the life of the user to use often.

Cause of the product failure

We saw numerous failures of the product appears on the market each year. What was that for? Product failures of enterprises need to reflect on, do you really need to find the user′s needs. The author of methodology, product manager qiaoke·busudier is right, the most stupid behavior, is throwing money into a a market that doesn′t exist, but as I said, the demand is what you see is actually a false demand.

Now various intelligent hardware, smooth to the touch, but ignoring a premise, users don′t want to buy it, because there is no demand. There was no demand, the solution is not a pain point, is false demand. Products restricted not experience bad, bad experience can change, the biggest problem is false demand. We think about how much user demand for intelligent hardware launches are skipped, assume that users love my product, users use every day, only the material, shape and process, it was wrong.

Some products needs? Yes, but without it, users can also, I call it a "hotspot", rather than a pain point. Any great strategy from such a small cut. Old brag that strategy, strategy is to locate the user′s needs and pain points, and then make a product to solve it. As regards the good and better, which is experiencing problems.

Why do so many enterprises are unable to focus on user needs? Where is the problem? In the problem, before the product development, you don′t solve the problem of uncertainty. The product manager methodology, this book pointed out that the crux of the matter: uncertainty exists because of a lack of information, lack of information because you know little about the market for services, all of which eventually transformed into risk, risk translates into cost, causing the entire product and complete failure. Thus, before developing any product, you need to conduct rigorous hypothesis and research, found just needs, identify pain points.

The mantra of good products: just needs, pain points, high frequency

Some people imagine a scenario, this scenario rarely happens in life. Door lock is not needed? Is required, is it pain points? Absolute pain, but its frequency is too low. In that case, you would be difficult to gather it for you the user of this product.

In the product manager methodology referred to a very important thing--you need to ask yourself: "users are buying motive? Can I user when thirsty, and gave him half a bottle of living water. "In the" user thirst "under this scenario, the user needs is" to drink ", found that users need to drink, is to focus on user needs, and just need high frequencies.

Today, the app is a great product, but you look at Zhang Xiaolong has a Readme, and when he was told the first app, find a lot of points but no breakthroughs, later breaking point is what? Shake shake shake, it was their first loyal customers quickly, this is necessary, but also high-frequency. Dating sites, such as jiayuan, because you′re only looking for one, found it no longer went so this is low frequency.

Many Internet model of human evil, they learned a lot, and come give you a chicken, Big Ben to find a few girls home to you. They think it′s just experience, is a surprise. But there is a premise you have to ask yourself, the user does have to eat chicken every day? Does this user pain points, just needs, as well as the high frequency? Experience no product key.

In fact, many large companies, I say you forget about the business model, you forget about your old rich product line. All of the strategy comes down to looking for a demand from a user perspective, must be above average frequency, and pain points, just needs. Meet the needs, pain points, high-frequency service can be very small, but it must be of value to users.

As pointed out in this book, do not start just makes it harder for users to extricate themselves, to make the user a long time love, you first need to make users of your product at first sight. BAT hard product media attention today, but you may not have the opportunity, when you were in the face of the first user, actually only two or three words of the opportunity, let users to hear you think I want to use this thing. Users love your product, and then talk about what to do in the product details and interactive experiences to enhance, make the products attractive, exceed user expectations again, allowing users to screaming mad, allowing users to become fans.

Internet technologies changing the iteration, but in any industry, for companies, impact of the technological revolution is a long-term, equal. When conditions differ in technology, what we really need is caught products--the basis of user needs, if out of the users ′ needs, product design, beautiful, exquisite idea, are unable to and resonate with users, unable to create a good product.

I′ve been thinking, at a value the user′s business, everyone is a product manager. Whether technical development, product designers, or marketing, sales and customer service, are always from the user′s point of view to consider problems. From this perspective, no matter what you do in your company, you can look at this book, it will tell you how to listen to the user′s voice, let the product stay in just needs, pain points, high frequency on these six words, which will become an important factor you can expand your career.

周鸿祎做好产品的六字真言:刚需、痛点、高频 - 周鸿祎,产品经理 - IT资讯

















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