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published in(发表于) 2016/3/17 7:06:37 Edit(编辑)
Indonesian police killed 2 militants with foreign nationalities, China’s response

Indonesian police killed 2 militants with foreign nationalities, China’s response(印尼警方击毙2名中国籍武装分子,中方回应)



Indonesian police killed 2 militants in Chinese response _ | | | Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government in exile the Dalai Lama news

Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang

  Q: this morning the Chinese Government released Nepal Prime Minister news of Ollie's visit to China. Can you introduce the visit to the situation.

A: invitation of Li keqiang, Nepal Prime Minister Olli will combine attending the Boao Forum for Asia annual Conference 2016 for an official visit to China.

The visit in October last year Nepal after the establishment of the new Government, the highest level interaction between the two countries. Chinese leaders will meet with Prime Minister OLI, talks, exchanging views on bilateral relations and other issues of common concern. Besides Beijing, Ollie's Prime Minister will travel to Hainan to attend the Boao Forum for Asia annual Conference 2016, and visit Xian and Chengdu.

Nepal are traditional friendly neighbors, the two countries have equality, mutual support, mutual respect, and is a tried and tested friend. Currently, the two countries are at a critical stage of national development. Standing at a new starting point for bilateral relations, more development opportunities. We are willing to work together with the Nepali side, Ollie's visit as an opportunity to consolidate the traditional friendship, strengthen long-term planning, and expand mutually beneficial cooperation and promote common development, promoting Sino-Nepalese friendship and comprehensive cooperative partnership to a new level.

 Q: United States President Barack Obama signed an executive order yesterday, announcing a new round of unilateral sanctions on North Korea, China's banking sector and North Korea might affect the normal economic and trade relations. China worried about the unilateral sanctions will affect normal trade and economic cooperation with North Korea?

A: I would like to stress three points. First, I have said many times, China has not agreed to any country engaged in unilateral sanctions and secondly, under the current complex and sensitive situation in the peninsula, we are opposed to any initiative that might lead to further tensions on the peninsula; and, third, we have repeatedly made clear to the countries concerned stressed that the so-called taken by any State of unilateral sanctions should not affect and damage China's legitimate rights and interests.

  Q: China on a Chinese fishing boat by Argentina coast guard ship to Alfonso representations. Will China respond? Chinese fishing boats are in Argentina waters? The captain or whether Alfonso confirmed that Chinese fishing boats to attack a maritime police vessel behavior? Do you think such a thing had not been properly addressed, will affect the bilateral relations?

A: China and Argentina are friendly countries, and we hope that this issue can be resolved. China yesterday for the first time that a solemn attitude. We have urgent Argentina puts the negotiations, expressed serious concerns about the incident, demanding that he immediately launched a thorough investigation into the incident and inform the Chinese side details. Meanwhile, Chinese citizens for fishing, we call on the Arab side to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests, and take effective measures to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

As you ask the specific circumstances, I can tell you now is that China and Argentina are continuing through diplomatic channels on this incident, the Government maintains close communication, and hope that this incident will be solved properly as soon as possible.

  Q: the ship is affiliated with China's State-owned enterprises?

A: I have no further information to provide.

  Q: in India Dharamsala, the Tibetan "Government in exile" will elect a new leader this week, whether China's Central Government is concerned? Is there a tendency of candidates?

A: on this issue, you should be very clear about the Chinese Government's position. We never recognized the Tibetan "Government in exile". We also hope that any country, especially the country hopes to maintain friendly relations with China, not for any "Tibet independence" any anti-China separatist activities and locations.

 Q: recently, the East Timorese leaders during the visit, the two sides issued a joint press release, referring to the South China Sea and the Philippines sea arbitration case brought by, noted that the ruling is binding on the party. How do you respond to the Chinese side?

A: China always adhere to through negotiation and consultation to solve territorial disputes and maritime jurisdictional disputes between the neighbours. On the issue of territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, China does not accept the unilateral recourse to third party dispute settlement. Disregard of the Philippines and China have reached agreement to solve the dispute through bilateral negotiations, in violation of the Declaration on the conduct of parties in the South China Sea, in violation of the provisions of the United Nations Convention, abuse of the arbitration procedure provided for in the Convention, instituted unilaterally and insisted on promoting arbitration cases in the South seas, is illegal and invalid. We have repeatedly stated that the illegal from the beginning of arbitration, no matter how the verdict, China does not have any binding effect.

About Japan, I would like to stress that Japan was not qualified to talk on the issue of South China Sea. But Japan on this issue more "active", ignoring the basic facts of the South China Sea issue, confuse much tarnish the image of China in the international community. I would like to tell the Japanese side, Japan is futile, if you want to have any effect, would only make the Chinese people recognize the Japanese mentality of some people now. We hope that the countries concerned can tell right from wrong, and doing things, not to be countries with ulterior motives for their own use.

 Asked: it was reported that Indonesian Police yesterday shot dead 2 Chinese fighters. Do you grasp the situation?

A: we have taken note of relevant reports, is to learn more about the situation.

China and Indonesia are the victims of terrorism, and facing new threats posed by international and regional anti-terrorism situation changed. In recent years, the "East Turkistan Islamic movement" terrorist forces continue to increase penetration in Indonesia, Indonesian terrorist extremist group connections, developers in Indonesia TRANS channel, participating in international terrorist activities. This not only threatens China's national security, also brought harm to Indonesia and regional stability.

China and Indonesia on counter-terrorism issues in mutual understanding and supported each other, and have conducted good cooperation. China is ready to work with Indonesia to further strengthen bilateral and multilateral counter-terrorism exchanges and cooperation, and jointly safeguard the two countries and regional security and stability.

 Q: recently held 300,000 people us-South Korean joint military exercises, North Korea sent a letter to ask the United Nations to consider us-South Korea joint military exercises held an emergency meeting. Does the Chinese side what is the position?

Answer: in the current situation on the Korean peninsula under the background of complicated and sensitive, we hope that the parties concerned to keep calm and exercise restraint, refrain from stimulating each other and likely to lead to further exacerbated tension in the region. After all, if the situation further deteriorates, do no good to any parties.

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

Article keywords:
The Dalai Lama's exiled Government Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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印尼警方击毙2名中国籍武装分子 中方回应|达赖|流亡政府|外交部_新闻资讯
























责任编辑:陈琰 SN225

达赖 流亡政府 外交部


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