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published in(发表于) 2016/3/17 7:06:20 Edit(编辑)
Hebei xingtai acres of wheat due to fake seeds die, police involved in the investigation

Hebei xingtai acres of wheat due to fake seeds die, police involved in the investigation(河北邢台千亩小麦疑因假种子枯死,警方介入调查)



Hebei xingtai acres of wheat due to dead the police involved in the investigation of fake seeds | false | xingtai, Hebei _barcode seeds news

Original title: economic development zone, Hebei xingtai acres of wheat withered the police involved in the investigation (photo)

Should be green wheat shoots large area die. Zhang Pengxiang photography

CNS, Xingtai, March 17 (reporters Zhang Pengxiang and Li Tiechui)-media economic development zone in xingtai, Hebei village and acres of wheat withered, a 17th, the economic development zone in xingtai Public Security Bureau political Department director Han Peiyao said police have accepted the case and forensic investigations.

On March 8, media reports said, economic development zone in xingtai flow after the village village to wheat in large area a number of villagers dead, villagers ' reaction to the media cultivation of wheat seed for scientific research ", first". Dealers said that probably involved wheat seeds sold by him 2000 acres, he is to cooperate with the investigation unit and the police investigation.

17th, reporters came to the village of xingtai, Hebei economic development zone, led by villagers found that reporters stayed in town after Liu Cun NaN found large areas of dead wheat. Reporters at the scene, was supposed to turn green wheat has withered, dead seedling and zenith.

Flow after villagers to the Brookings Institution (not his real name) told reporters that he planted ten acres of winter wheat, sown are "research first." Because last year, sowing the seed yield is very high, so they are still near the village, ren Li many villagers continued to sow this year, but this year spring, supposedly reviving wheat has large areas of dead, it seems that this year's harvest is over.

For this, xingtai agriculture economic development zone Office Director yuanshuanjun said the preliminary investigation found that seed packing with the validation number risked, belonging to the seed. At present, the case has been handed over to local police.

Economic development zone in xingtai Public Security Bureau political Department director Han Peiyao 17th said police have accepted the case, forensics investigations being carried out. (End)

Responsible editor: Liu Debin SN222

Article keywords:
Seeds of xingtai, Hebei

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China News Network
河北邢台千亩小麦疑因假种子枯死 警方介入调查|假种子|河北邢台_新闻资讯

  原标题:河北邢台经济开发区千亩小麦枯死 警方介入调查(图)

本该返青的麦苗出现大面积枯死。 张鹏翔 摄

  中新网邢台3月17日电 (张鹏翔 李铁锤) 针对媒体报道河北邢台经济开发区留村镇千亩小麦枯死一事,17日,邢台经济开发区公安局政治处主任韩培曜称,此案警方已受理,正在取证调查。






责任编辑:刘德宾 SN222

假种子 河北邢台


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