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published in(发表于) 2016/3/15 17:27:05 Edit(编辑)
Lei: innovation can not “Heroes“

Lei: innovation can not “Heroes“(雷军:创新不能“以成败论英雄”,)



Lei: innovation can not "Heroes"-Lei, innovation-IT information

, Chairman of the national people′s Congress, xiaomi Lei said in an interview with reporters, "innovating China" cannot "hero", must have a tolerant spirit of failure.

"Innovation is to do things that others haven′t done, or doing things that others haven′t made this two things will not be easy. We applaud the success don′t forget the countless stones. "Lei said," pay homage to winners, sniffy about losers, would undermine the enthusiasm of entrepreneurs. ”

He said that as an entrepreneur, the Government proposed in the report on the work of promoting public entrepreneurship, the much anticipated innovation is very encouraging. "90% law of speaking more startups will die, is a normal metabolism; now the Government is highly concerned about small and micro businesses, a variety of new incubator appeared in large numbers, this is a rare opportunity for entrepreneurs. ”

"Venture about homeopathy for mobile Internet is a great outlet, especially in rural areas to the Internet. "He said," the opportunity to learn how to race. But be aware that starting step by step. ”

When asked when can give entrepreneurs advice, Lei expressed some ideas: first, innovation is an ongoing process; the second is simply to innovation and innovation, innovation must bring social value. "It is important that, you′re doing something you love, like it perfectly, this is also a reflection of artisan spirit. "He said.

How to improve the business environment, he proposed changes to the Act, including allowing human capital agreed to fully open up the preference shares, shareholder rights free to agree on lifting limits stipulated in the equity ratio, allowing autonomous agreement of shareholders equity ratio, as well as the implementation of the articles of incorporation filing system of industry and commerce. "Elimination of entrepreneurs to worry about, in order to better promote entrepreneurship. "Lei said.

雷军:创新不能“以成败论英雄” - 雷军,创新 - IT资讯







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