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published in(发表于) 2016/3/9 10:22:34 Edit(编辑)
Revealing China’s Niu Minke: attended junior high school to University tenure,

Revealing China’s Niu Minke: attended junior high school to University tenure,(揭秘中国最牛民科:初中肄业成大学终身教授,)



Revealing China′s Niu Minke: junior high school attended a tenured professor at the University, China′s most Niu Minke-IT information

Zheng Xiaoting, 62 years old, pingyi County, Shandong province people, junior high school student, world′s largest dinosaur museum-curator of the Shandong Tianyu Museum of nature, in the United Kingdom in nature, and the United States the world′s top scientific journals such as science, published more than 10 papers, 2010 appointment of linyi University Professor. Its study found that even changing the scientific community on dinosaurs and early birds part of the evolution of knowledge, known as "China′s most Niu Min."

In paleontological circles, pingyi County, can also be referred to as a "holy land". The world′s largest collections of dinosaur and other prehistoric animal fossils Museum is located here. 62 year old Zheng Xiaoting never graduated from junior high school, has become a famous paleontologist. In science, the journal nature published the 6 academic articles. In order to express respect for Zheng Xiaoting, palaeontological researchers found a new dinosaur named "Zheng Xiao-Ting". Compared to the present unreliable "section", Zheng Xiaoting is deserving of being recognized as authentic national section.

Zheng Xiaoting′s success in addition to individual talents, hobbies, and unyielding spirit, there are many environmental factors. The Army broken dream, into the boiler, to model workers from grass-roots cadres, gold mine, Zheng Xiaoting ultimately choose not to be a rich and famous entrepreneurs, but hobby collections from a variety of rare minerals, teasers and become a civil paleontology researcher. His "pot of gold" is extremely high gold content, the national science and technology progress award, and from then on, the paleontological research into his life tirelessly pursue a career. It is easy to see, Zheng Xiaoting achievements, thanks to the geographical and human. "And the" most crucial and paleontological circles, China open, Zheng Xiaoting element.

Wants to when, unknown of Einstein just Berne Patent Office of one small staff, he will concentrated research of narrow relativity papers sent to Germany physics Yearbook magazine, famous physicist, and Germany Granville low Royal learned of President, and General lang grams see Hou, and no because he even a Professor are not on improper back thing, but seriously review papers, front a bright, immediately decided exception published. Planck′s advocate on this paper, Einstein overnight in Germany physics community become a bright star. Since then, even though Planck did not fully agree with Einstein′s idea, but recommended him to the Royal Society, nominated to the Nobel Prize, Planck had been willing to Einstein′s Bole, until it became the founders of quantum mechanics. Similarly, if there is no paleontological circles for Zheng Xiaoting of China research attention, recognition, support and praise, perhaps "the most Niu Min" would not have turned out.

Once upon a time, the "people" issue there, in addition to "Goldbach conjecture", but there is perpetual motion, relativity, evolution is the focus of attention, but few studies have been recognized by the scientific community. "Nuobeierge" has become a focus of attention. A wide range of people, pundits questioning attitude is normal. Started out in the field of scientific research, after all, is power and results, rather than Maverick, manipulation of grandstanding. However, it did not dare to be the first attempt does not tolerate failure conditions, did not foster a new culture, did not accept the new bearing, not generous to support new, real people is to emerge.

Some may say, "the most Niu Min" has his special way to success only outshines cases junior non-graduates engaged in high-end research path can not be copied. However, "heroes do not ask the source." The profound power of innovation among the people. Proposed in the Government work report this year, more than 100 million highly educated and professional skills of personnel, are our greatest resources and advantages. And civil person interested in scientific research is the largest resource and the advantage of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon". As long as policy guidance, tilt systems, such as Mo Yan′s proposal that the two sessions this year, ice-reform of the education system and educational model, scientific and research communities are as open and inclusive as a paleontological circles in China, were able to abandon the authority first discrimination, brings together all the intellectual power, the development of innovative sources, so that more real people come to the fore, is entirely possible.

揭秘中国最牛民科:初中肄业成大学终身教授 - 中国最牛民科 - IT资讯







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