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published in(发表于) 2016/3/8 8:40:49 Edit(编辑)
“Qisheng“ NIE Weiping: don’t jerk me around, the computer can’t beat humans,

“Qisheng“ NIE Weiping: don’t jerk me around, the computer can’t beat humans,(“棋圣”聂卫平:别忽悠我,电脑不可能战胜人类,)



"Qisheng" NIE Weiping: don't jerk me around, the computer can't overcome human-go, artificial intelligence, and Li Shishi-IT information

March 8 afternoon News, go "Qisheng," said NIE Weiping section recently attended the activity, published for the upcoming Google go program AlphaGo and Korea go chess national champion Li Shishi , NIE Weiping said the computer can't beat humans, now on the so-called "machine can beat humans" is all bluff.

NIE Weiping believes in the man-machine chess showdown, Li Shishi will win, said in a question-and-answer and then, losing to AlphaGo European Championship Fan Hui to the chess community lost face, also said they were not aware of the so-called "European Chess Championship".

NIE Weiping stressed that, in the field of chess, computer bottlenecks and obstacles impassable, professional chess players wanted to beat a human at this stage is almost impossible. NIE Weiping explained: "so go on judging, I think is a problem in the computer, I don't know if you can solve, can solve, I support computer win, and now I must think trick can't win. But I hope you can win people's calculations. ”

Record of NIE Weiping of the following statement:

Good evening friends! The computer I just say a big amateurs, but I was very early contact. I remember it was in 1988 when Taiwan University President Dr Shen invited me to the friendship hotel in Beijing, I think computer go competitions around the world. At that time there were a veterans bonus is $ 400,000, his computer can get 9 wins section, for example, find a section, he'll send you $ 400,000, it was in 1988, was a film and television Foundation.

I happened to see a game is a computer being throw in the towel, it's actually great, why give up? Because the enemy in the Tiger inside a subfolder, latch onto the enemy in my thumb to do? The computer suddenly had to throw in the towel . I took Shen said the match would you let me see? At that time nearly 400,000 dollars is for 9 to win. Now for example, Ke Jie, Li Shishi, 9 WINS will give you $ 400,000.

Now times have changed, now we're talking under a flat, what bonuses well over 400,000, it makes me feel very shocked. Also illustrates a fundamental change in our computer. But since I am a layman, I have great doubt, I think the computer is unlikely to win. You say these things I think are fooled, absolutely impossible .

Because? I have heard one expert told me, go change and he told me there was 361x360x359, this class is itself an infinite number, what can't be expressed. And it contains a lot of changes in the Middle, he has to play the second one, three, knotted, Snapback, each of which there are many. At that time China has a computer called the milky way, he is impossible to say that the Galaxy contains so much, it is not possible. Many chess computers are vocational and technical, then 9, he can't beat. Said deep blue, and so on, when very ill cattle, when more than go computer by professional chess players at least 9.

I said of is according to I by know of, but essentially I think has a insurmountable of technology obstacles, here members are is experts, go has a judge, computer met a situation of when, about produced hundreds of a changes of reference figure, each a reference figure, are has a he on this situation good or is bad of judge, this I think computer cannot bear, he not calculation, he is see now of situation who good . I don't think computers can break with this. So compared to humans and computers, there is no winner, 100% people win . I hope you will make, as I have just said, can this thing pass judgment, you can challenge the professional chess player.

Did you say Ke Jie section, now I can find a professional chess player estimated that computers will be lost to him. So I urge you, in the strong artificial intelligence carried out at the same time, still have to work hard in this respect, if this thing can break through, I can beat you down. Human brain is something that many changes. Many professional players, the top professional players is not the same, there will be a lot of analysis. For example Li Shishi think in this situation, he feels he can, Ke Jie he felt this situation you can't, other people have all sorts of opinions. So go on judging, I think is a problem in the computer, I don't know if you can solve, can solve, I support computer win, and now I must think trick can't win. But I hope you can win people's calculations.

“棋圣”聂卫平:别忽悠我,电脑不可能战胜人类 - 围棋,人工智能,李世石 - IT资讯











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