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published in(发表于) 2016/3/8 8:40:26 Edit(编辑)
Women section: look at these technology companies worry about Queens,

Women section: look at these technology companies worry about Queens,(女人节:看看这些科技公司女王们的烦恼,)



Women: Queens trouble-women's day look at these technology companies, technology companies-IT information

To the women of the year section.

Reviews current global scientific and technological circles, we will find many tech giants is "Queen" hold sway. Technology giant in the top 500 in the world, there are many women in charge.

Those who went to the top of the men's world "Queen" in 2016, their pains and sorrows.

Her: the IBM transformation challenges facing

IBM CEO of her 58 years (Virginia Rometty) is four years. For IBM, in 2016, new transition is bothering the woman takes charge.

During her tenure, she led IBM to sell lower-end server business, spun off chip manufacturing business, this business used to be an integral part of IBM's hardware business. Her view that the business can generate income, but not profits, saying they were "empty calories".

Reconstruction of her keen company, since she took office, continued acquired more than 30 companies, and 4 major divestiture. At the end of 2015, IBM has defined the development direction of the next round of cognitive business.

This comes from the IBM Watson project forever. In January 2014, IBM invested 1 billion US dollars to set up a new business unit Watson team. Established to implement aggressive business model transformation of IBM Watson team trying to build a healthy business ecosystem, a complex, dynamic and adaptive community.

However, compared to the previous strategic direction: the wisdom of the Earth. Understanding business, there are a lot of unknowns. IBM history, her is the first female CEO, and she a come up facing IBM in transition.

Her problems include two short term pains: IBM's share price continued to decline, brought about a crisis of confidence; long: cognitive commercial landing cycles cannot be anticipated.

Whitman: split HP's courage

Who says women than men?

HP CEO Whitman has just completed the previous CEO has not achieved the feat: splitting the company. After all, one of the world's top 500 companies in the top 10 in the courage to split into two companies, but not everyone has.

In fact, Whitman's fame came from her brilliant curriculum vitae at eBay. After leaving eBay, Whitman did not want to go to any one company, but chose to run for Governor of California.

Get a word in here by the way. Like Hewlett-Packard's female leader, and former female CEO to be know HP kaliaofeili that are featured United States President.

Whitman selected after the failure of California's Governor, Whitman accepted HP's invitation, became new HP CEO. Time at HP, there are too many disappointments, in Whitman, under the auspices of HP global layoffs several times, share prices often fluctuate.

Eventually Whitman chose HP to split in two.

In the short term, HP spun off is beneficial to business focus. PC and the HP brand printers retain the original potential energy, through the advantages of products and channels, play a bigger role. Enterprise-level business HPE HP in servers, networks, and other advantages, throw away the burden easier to transition to cloud computing.

Longer term, the Division of HPE easier and other companies on mergers and acquisitions and consolidation. And HP can consider privatization or further structural adjustments. All in all, Whitman has taken the first step to this is courage. Next, she also needed a bit of luck.

Mayer: maybe Yahoo numbered

In the previous quarter, Yahoo's net revenue fell by 8%, its search business revenue fell to 13%. Overall traffic continued to decline. Yahoo seems to be difficult to stop the downward trend.

Marissa Mayer (Marissa Mayer) after being hired as Yahoo's CEO, the former giant continuously losing ground on the core business, far behind Google and Facebook.

Funny thing is, the market has the assessment of Yahoo: it has a market value of $ 31 billion, including Alibaba accounted for 30 billion, Yahoo Japan accounted for 8 billion, compared with net debt of 5.5 billion dollars in cash in Yahoo.

US media reported. Over the last few months, Yahoo appears a share turnover surge, including Chief Accounting Officer, Chief Marketing Officer, Chief Development Officer, as well as products, engineering, sales, and Senior Vice President of human resources with a series of.

However, Mayer insisted that losses action "there is more work to be done," she said, "there's one thing I really feel proud that we have create a future for Yahoo. ”

Mayer began to Center on four areas, defines the main directions for the future of the company, these four areas: Mobile, video, local advertising, and social networking. But in these areas, already has a strong giant stereotype.

For yumeiyeer, perhaps, leaving Yahoo days are not far off.

Su Zi Feng: AMD's first Chinese female CEO

As AMD 45-year history, the first female CEO. From January 2012 since joining AMD, she served as Chief Operating Officer, Senior Vice President and General Manager of global business, among other roles.

Su Zi feng's CV has the standard academic characteristics. She has a doctorate in MIT, a freshman, she entered the 100-level semiconductor clean room, received the first task is to make a two-inch photomask wafers. Semiconductor chip looks boring, but confusion between, it contains the ultimate speed and depth, is the basis of all the high-tech industry innovation.

She also served from Freescale, IBM, Texas instruments, working in the chip industry has reached more than 20 years.

Su Zi Feng in 2012, AMD, in October 2014, she become AMD's first Chinese-American woman CEO. After she took office, AMD adjusted many, many products, some product was cancelled, some business frozen because of the strategy, AMD will specialize in high-performance servers market, factor is that AMD is cleaning up behind those lower-margin business, will aim to focus can bring higher-margin business.

AMD is a technology-oriented company. Whether quad-core dual-core battle in that year, acquiring ATI to build GPU architecture, or boldly into the ARM server field, it established a technology leader in the industry of corporate image.

Because of this, Su Zi Feng believes that the best way to let them know the CEO of inspire technical personnel is one of them. The integration of technology and business, and introduce practical solutions, Su Zi Feng is designed for AMD's general direction.

Ms Wang: FAG HTC gamble

After the HTC has foundered early last year, she had to be reinstated, becomes Chief Executive.

In 1997, she founded the HTC brand, and became a spokesman for smartphones, has made HTC's brilliant. But with the popularity of smartphones, HTC is further away with the market.

But since entering the mainland market, HTC has been doing is to hold high the banner of high-premium policies, emphasis is on experience and taste. Pity is, HTC launched in the city, several mobile phones and not to impress consumers. The high-end market, but Apple, Samsung, is hard to swallow, at the low end brands such as millet, Huawei glory catch opportunities, rapid rise.

Leads to HTC smartphones on the market today do not go, and the embarrassment of putting. Last year, HTC released the new HTC One M9, the iPhone6 is similar to that of mobile phones, also does not save the market failure.

On this year's MWC, the writer at HTC booth saw hopes by HTC HTC Vive, which is her hope dafanshenzhang VR products. She said HTC Vive world stunning VR virtual reality product, HTC will be created for another 5 years. She also believed that virtual reality and personal intelligent medical future new business is an important direction of development.

But to be fair a hardware based on the company, the first layout Smartphone brand, did not get on the Smartphone market, which is a big mistake. VR core has not only hardware design, this gamble, really slow HTC over time, the cycle in order to avoid too long.

女人节:看看这些科技公司女王们的烦恼 - 妇女节,科技公司 - IT资讯





58岁的IBM CEO罗睿兰(Virginia Rometty)已上任四年。2016年对于IBM来说,新的转型方向正在困扰着这位女掌门。



这来源于IBM对Watson项目的长期投入。2014年1月,IBM投资10亿美元成立了新的业务部门Watson团队。为实现激进商业模式转换而设立的IBM Watson团队,试图打造一个稳健的商业生态系统,一个复杂、充满活力而且具有自适性的社区。














在玛丽莎·梅耶尔(Marissa Mayer)被聘用为雅虎CEO以后,这家曾经的巨头连续核心业务上节节败退,远远落后于google和Facebook







作为AMD 45年历史上首位女性CEO。自2012年1月加入AMD以来,她曾担任首席运营官、高级副总裁兼全球业务总经理等职务。










导致了今天的HTC在智能手机市场上不去,又下不来的尴尬。去年,HTC发布了新品HTC One M9,这款与iPhone6很相似的手机,也并没有挽回市场的败局。

在今年MWC上,笔者在HTC展台看到了被HTC寄予厚望的HTC vive,这是王雪红希望打翻身仗的VR重点产品。王雪红表示,VR虚拟现实产品HTC Vive让全世界惊艳,将创造HTC的另一个5年。她还认为,虚拟现实及个人智能医疗也是未来新业务的重要发展方向。


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