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published in(发表于) 2016/3/8 8:40:10 Edit(编辑)
View: Microsoft mobile phones businesses live on Nokia capital soon

View: Microsoft mobile phones businesses live on Nokia capital soon(观点:微软手机业务靠吃诺基亚老本活不久,)



View: Microsoft mobile phones businesses live on capital living near-Surface Phone of Nokia, Nokia-IT information

Nokia to deliver the 30-month limit is reached into the mobile device market, but Microsoft has not during the term of this mobile phones businesses out of the quagmire, but the name changed again, from Windows Phone to a Windows 10 Mobile.

Microsoft recently released two-quarter results showed that mobile phone business is still in a State of loss, and losses increased.

2015 Q4 quarterly earnings, hardware revenue of $ 1.234 billion, gross loss of $ 104 million, and in 2016 Q1 Quarterly earnings, mobile division revenues fell by 54%. Market share, according to data released by the market research firm Gartner, Windows Mobile's market share "less and less" has fallen to 1.7%, and most come from lower-end products, with Lumia 520, accounting for 15.3% of the Windows mobile market.

Mired in Microsoft, go very slow, but the good news is that Microsoft did not intend to live on eating Nokia's capital.

Asha was cut only the Nokia Series 30

According to Microsoft buy Nokia devices, and terms of service agreement, Microsoft can be 10 years after the completion of the transaction using the Nokia brand launched the Series 30 and Series 40 devices, calculated according to the time, Microsoft's assets, have 7 years to toss about, latest Nokia products were priced at 399 Yuan 230 DS dual SIM dual standby cell phone.

Microsoft continues to market the low end features, but unavoidable feature machines market is step by step eating into embarrassment.

Due to Microsoft recently several fiscal quarter of earnings in the hidden to has function machine of shipping volume, can find to of only 2015 years Q3 fiscal quarter of data, data displayed Microsoft Dang quarter sales has 24.7 million Department function phone, more important of is, this data has been in fell trend, compared with, Nokia in most 2013 years continued losses of when, single quarter function phone sales also can reached 53.7 million Department.

Series 30 series are retained to see Microsoft's emphasis on the low end of the market, but which can help users translate Asha low-end smartphones are "cut off", also reflects Microsoft's intentions to split toxic assets – to avoid Nokia capital.

Starting from the second half of 2014, Microsoft will gradually give up Asha, and Nokia Series 40 x, for now low-end feature is targeted at a specific market revenue tool, Microsoft Windows mobile ecosystem as a whole, basically no value.

Pureview technology continues to improve

From now on, there would be only 1 Pureview technology phones, Microsoft.

Package acquired by Microsoft not only Lumia,PurebView and Asha, ClearBlack, Surgehe mural which another trademark of paragraph 4 has been belonging to Microsoft, and managed by the Microsoft Mobile Oy, Nokia basically impossible to directly use Pureview technology, but compared to Nokia's aggressive Microsoft is relatively conservative in this regard, the latest flagship Lumia 950XL lens only 20 million pixels.

Although the figures did not stimulate the eye, but the Microsoft improvement Pureview technology is, for example, and Canon in digital image patent cross licensing and mobile technologies, said Microsoft could use this technology to improve Pureview technology imaging capability, meanwhile Pureview also upgraded to a fifth generation OIS optical image stabilization, while dynamic image is upgraded to a third generation.

On Pureview technology of standard, Nokia 808 times consumers on insight to has, also is to consumers of impression too deep, Microsoft seems to intends to avoided Nokia and Nokia of related brand, like Lumia 950XL, is still is Pureview technology, but in official of some publicity in the, obviously can feel to Microsoft in intends to of hidden to related introduced, like "20 million pixel main camera used CAI Division optical lens".

Win10 sad

Microsoft trying to say goodbye to Nokia, era, but Win10 still remained on the mobile side.

Objective of said, 2010 Microsoft launched Windows Phone operating system began, some function and service of envisaged are very novel outstanding, like contacts, but due to missing user of accumulated, on most consumers for, in quite long of a time in, this class function of user experience and function machine basic no too big of difference, no user on alone information of integration, even in some specific of function Shang, Microsoft also no found to points.

Most typical of is win10 mobile in the of Continuum function, this items function was many people interpretation for "seconds variable PC", we first not consider in any a screen Shang introduced mobile application of practical, but at least to guarantee it of easy sex, from Microsoft to out of expand docking solution programme, this thought and convenience somewhat access, not only so, user also need additional purchase support equipment.

Microsoft in forward sex aspects do have also also enough, to now also no fingerprint recognition programme of products debut, this means with in fingerprint paid aspects, Microsoft and behind a step, compared with, Apple and Samsung in this aspects has began on local mobile paid platform launched offensive, Apple Pay and Samsung Pay is into China, and WP8 times on proposed electronic wallet concept of Microsoft, in this aspects also no has movement.

Surface Phone ready

Microsoft wants to get out of the shadow of Nokia, Surface lift Phone is the key.

As early as 2012, when Microsoft released the first generation of Surface plates, Surface were dug out of the Phone, but until today, after 4 years at Microsoft have used Surface Book against Apple's MacBook and your spirit when, Surface Phone still missing body, time costs were too high.

According to the news has been exposed, Microsoft is about to give up by Nokia built Lumia brand, launched in April to Build Assembly Surface Phone and Lumia last two products will debut at this year's MWC2016 on the Mobile World Congress, one is already being spread Lumia 650.

As a bow-making, Lumia 650 carry Xiao long part of the positioning 21X processor, with 5-inch 720p screen a little bit sad, this ending is not perfect, but for Microsoft, Nokia Series30 has can't make games, low-end market supported by Lumia 520 cases, really needs a new product as a successor.

Returned to Surface Phone body, consider to flat products of industrial design capacity, this paragraph products of appearance should will has surprise, but rumors in the of can as PC using, is introduced x86 platform, may will let Microsoft and mobile equipment of concept runs counter to, in phone Shang restore PC of calculation capacity, actually and put Microsoft push to has Windows Mobile times, returned to has phone needed not need has PC as of function of problem Shang.

If you give up eating Nokia's cost of capital is ready to back the old times, Microsoft live under the shadow of Nokia is better.

观点:微软手机业务靠吃诺基亚老本活不久 - Surface Phone,诺基亚 - IT资讯

诺基亚兑现了30个月不进入移动设备市场的期限已到,但微软却并没有在这个期限内把手机业务拖出泥潭,倒是名字又改了一拨,从Windows Phone变成了Windows 10 Mobile。


2015年Q4财季的财报中,手机硬件营收12.34亿美元,毛亏1.04亿美元,而在2016年Q1财季的财报中,手机部门的营收同比下滑了54%。市场份额方面,根据市场调查机构Gartner发布的数据,Windows手机的市场份额“一年不如一年”,已经跌至1.7%,并且大部分来自于低端产品,其中以Lumia 520为主,占整个Windows手机市场的15.3%。


Asha被砍只剩诺基亚Series 30

根据微软收购诺基亚设备和服务部门的协议条款,微软可以在交易结束后的10年里使用诺基亚品牌推出Series 30和Series 40设备,按照时间来计算,微软这方面的资产,还有7年的时间可以折腾,最新产品则是售价399元的诺基亚230 DS双卡双待手机



Series 30系列得到保留看得出微软对低端市场的重视,然而能够帮助用户转化的低端Asha智能机却被“砍掉了”,也能反映出微软剥离不良资产的意图——避免吃诺基亚老本。

从2014年下半年开始,微软就逐步的放弃Asha、Series 40和Nokia X产品,现在的低端功能机来说,只是针对特定市场的营收工具,对整个微软Windows手机生态,基本没有价值。



微软打包收购的不仅有Asha和Lumia,PurebView、ClearBlack、Surgehe mural这另外4款商标也已经归属微软,由微软的Mobile Oy部门管理,诺基亚基本上没有可能再直接使用Pureview技术,但相比诺基亚的激进,微软在这方面表现相对保守,最新的旗舰Lumia 950XL镜头则只有2000万像素。


关于Pureview技术的水准,诺基亚808时代消费者就见识到了,也正是给消费者的印象过于深刻,微软似乎有意回避诺基亚以及诺基亚的相关品牌,比如Lumia 950XL,虽仍旧是Pureview技术,但在官方的一些宣传中,明显可以感觉到微软在有意的隐去相关介绍,比如“2000万像素主相机采用蔡司光学镜头”。



客观的说,2010年微软推出Windows Phone操作系统开始,一些功能和服务的设想都非常新颖出众,比如人脉,但由于缺少用户的积累,对大多数消费者来说,在相当长的一段时间里,这类功能的用户体验与功能机基本没有太大的区别,没有用户就谈不上信息的整合,甚至在一些特定的功能上,微软也没有找到着力点。

最典型的是win10 mobile中的Continuum功能,这项功能被很多人解读为“秒变PC”,我们先不考虑在任何一个屏幕上引入移动应用的实用性,但至少要保证它的易用性,从微软给出来的拓展坞解决方案,这种思路和便利有点出入,不仅如此,用户还需要额外购买支持设备。

微软在前瞻性方面做得也还不够,到现在还没有指纹识别方案的产品亮相,这意味着在指纹支付方面,微软又落后一步,相比之下,苹果三星在这方面已经开始对本土移动支付平台发起攻势,Apple Pay和Samsung Pay即将入华,而WP8时代就提出电子钱包概念的微软,在这方面也没有了动静。

Surface Phone呼之欲出

微软要走出诺基亚的影子,Surface Phone是关键之举。

早在2012年,微软发布第一代Surface平板的时候,就有相关Surface Phone的内容被挖出来,但一直到4年后的今天,在微软已经用Surface Book打击苹果MacBook锐气的时候,Surface Phone的仍然不见真身,时间成本太高。

根据已经曝光出来的消息,微软即将放弃由诺基亚一手打造起来的Lumia品牌,4月份的Build大会上正式推出Surface Phone,而Lumia最后的两款产品,将会在今年的MWC2016世界移动大会上亮相,其中一款则是已经被传开的Lumia 650。

作为谢幕制作,定位低端的Lumia 650搭载骁龙21X处理器,配5英寸720p屏幕确实有一点悲凉,这样的收官不算完美,但对于微软来说,在诺基亚Series30功能机已经无法撑场,低端市场全靠Lumia 520支撑的情况下,确实需要一款新的产品作为继任者。

回到Surface Phone身上,考虑到平板产品的工业设计能力,这款产品的外观应该会有惊喜,但传闻中的可以作为PC使用,也就是引入x86平台,可能会让微软与移动设备的理念背道而驰,在手机上还原PC的计算能力,实际上又把微软推到了Windows Mobile时代,回到了手机需不需要具备PC一样的功能的问题上。


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