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published in(发表于) 2016/3/8 8:39:39 Edit(编辑)
Too fat to run fixed! Panda Hill was the beard,

Too fat to run fixed! Panda Hill was the beard,(太胖跑不动!大熊猫下山被犬欺,)



Too fat to run fixed! Panda goes down by the beard-the Panda down was the beard, Panda-IT information

On March 6, a wild Giant Panda found in Nan Jing Xiang, yuexi County. The Panda down, bullied by the dogs, hunting down all the way hard. Fortunately, the local villagers discovered, will chase them away in time, the giant panda may escape, and return safely to the forest.

At noon on March 6, Nan Jing Xiang Nan Jing, yuexi County village and Tai hua Xiang at the junction of the General area, wood afraid of several villagers are cattle grazing on the mountain. Suddenly came an intensive dog barking on the hillside, and looked, not far from the slopes, the dogs were chasing an animal. The animal round, black and white, a closer look, it turns out to be a Panda.

Villagers raced on the hillside, the dogs out, and report back to phone Nan Jing Xiang Ranger bentwood sand. Bentwood sand after receiving the call and report immediately to the FDA and Shen Guozhuang nature reserve. Reserve staff rushed to the scene, at this point, giant pandas have ran back into the forest.

According to refuge staff survey, the Giant Panda is about 100 pounds, hair color light no trauma, frightened by the dog, runs a little bit slowly. Villagers after the dog away, Panda climbed up the slopes into the Woods. Reserve staff found that it was a sub-adult giant pandas. Subsequently, the staff along the trail view of giant pandas, confirm that the Giant Panda has safely returned to forest.

It is understood that this place is the first giant panda. Nan Jing Xiang is Xiangling, connected with the surrounding protected areas non-corridor. Yuexi County, once in the vicinity of the Yan Xiang found giant panda, Panda likes to be alone, but not too far away. Natural forest protection projects, reforestation and other forestry projects implemented, yuexi County ecological planting environment is further improving, formed along the Nan Jing and acres of arrow bamboo, a suitable Panda Habitat conditions, giant pandas appear in Nan Jing Xiang, description of yuexi County of Panda′s Habitat is expanding.

Currently, protected area management office is in the process of in-depth field investigations in the region to understand the distribution of giant pandas in the region.

"The giant panda! Panda!" Everyone cried excitedly. Wood said they saw the Panda is chased by dogs behind, ran up the hillside. Panda looks fat, running dogs, perished.

太胖跑不动!大熊猫下山被犬欺 - 大熊猫下山被犬欺,大熊猫 - IT资讯








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