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published in(发表于) 2016/3/8 8:37:42 Edit(编辑)
Liu: married family investment entirely to tea sisters,

Liu: married family investment entirely to tea sisters,(刘强东:婚后家庭投资完全交给奶茶妹妹,)



Liu: married family investment entirely to tea sister Liu Jingdong, tea sisters-IT information

Liu said to call him "East" on the line, in such a kind, he likes to call him. Added distribution in Harbin last night drinking, they call him.

This is the first time East to participate in "yabuli, China annual Conference for entrepreneurs", is hundreds of kilometers east of Harbin, yabuli is famous for its skiing, after the lunar new year, organizes a Chinese entrepreneurs party, talks about the past, present and future; talked about the economic situation, and the entrepreneurial spirit. But by the year 2016, group founder and CEO Liu Jingdong first.

First time in yabuli, sitting at the welcome dinner the label "1" Center table, left several past Wang Shi, Chen dongsheng: take it, the right hand side line is Yang, MA ... ...

Sina science and technology asked Dong Ge:"Ma you said you're looking for help with your home in Suqian, today said no? ”

Dong Ge Hey smile, said in opening, seats are not next to each other, never say a Word, but help home idea of Suqian will not change.

On one side is the home of Miss, is on the other side of the East group to worry about.

The employs 100,000 employees, claims to each express distribution to pay five dangerous gold CEO, started working in the rhythm of the lunar new year's day this year.

In the yabuli interview, Group CEO Liu Jingdong to Sina technology revealed the 100,000 employees of management methods, Jingdong makes him proud, Jing dong new year goals, on privatization, Jingdong financial market issues, and share with the "tea sister" married love and sweet.

Following is the record of Sina science and technology an interview with Liu:

Sina science and technology: new year back home yet? Do you have to go home this year red packets for the elderly?

Liu: no home for the new year this year, from new year's day started to work.

Sina science and technology: sounds busy, did not long ago said that decentralization?

Liu:starting in 2013 I decided to decentralization, were not involved in the direct management of all East business. But as Jingdong Group CEO, I have, as in the past, the company knows it. If one day I don't know on that strategy, are bound to be distorted.

Sina science and technology: where my hand? How to do?

Liu: his hand to a local distribution stations of employee benefits, systems, equipment and ideas. For example, last night I went to Harbin, Harbin found a distribution station 15 brothers drinks, invited them to dinner, talk to think about work. Capillary things for the company, I can no matter what, but I want to know.

Sina science and technology: did they tell you what the problem?

Liu: said yesterday that the two aspects, one they said compared with other shipping companies, they have five in East Beijing insurance payments in full. Another is now doing is valuable. Which a also is yiqian himself Dang boss, bankruptcy has, traveled Dang has distribution Member, a began was friends looked down on, now Beijing East fame gradually in side ring has, he practical efforts also rose vocational raises has, others found he slowly had have good has, but he said has most makes I moved of Word: I is by himself of skill dinner, nothing good shame of. I feel very happy, because he says it is Jing dong's core values.

Sina science and technology: Jing dong's core values?

Liu: so to speak, although we don't have profits, not making money, but we make money, all our hard earned money, we pay, and effort has paid off. We worked hard and paid off his hands. This is Jing dong's values.

Sina science and technology: no profits, but said the target was China's first retail platform, right?

Liu: we have home appliances sales last year was the first, and offline was the first. We haven't announced quarter earnings, but the first three seasons was the first, over Su Ning, Su Ning was the first before. Our 2016 goal is more than sum of suning and GOME.

Sina science and technology: under this objective focus areas and targets?

Liu: non-electric parts sales. 50% products this year is expected to live less than proprietary platforms. If we come, we were completely successful, because we gave the impression that selling electrical appliances company. But self-employed income, if not more than 50%, then we not only sell electric appliances company, retail market opened, growth will be soon.

Sina science and technology: but not all this talk about electric business dividend has been in the past, growth is slowing?

刘强东: Fight end bonuses slowed the rapid growth is normal, but slowed just makes good companies faster. As those who follow the company are easy to shuffle off. E-commerce industry in the following years of crazy growth will definitely slowing, shuffle is in progress, but excellent enterprises will only be in the process of coming out.

Sina science and technology: cross-border e-commerce is booming, but recent policy seemed clear, Jingdong have global purchasing business, how to look?

Liu: the State Council issued a policy for the time being, in fact, a disguised attempt to reduce cross-border e-commerce tax, benefits a lot. But, after all, is only a temporary rather than a lasting policy, no country in the world is to keep consumers through cross-border e-commerce, so I call for reduced VAT, which lost the price difference. This balance.

Sina science and technology: in addition to the electrical contractor, spent a great deal of thought on the 2015 financial?

Liu: is the innovation of the financial year last year, Jingdong was first introduced to white business, raise equity raised, we were the first company to launch in China, so this year the core idea is to optimize the experience, to scale, continue to strengthen innovation. We pay lags other businesses we are excellent.

Sina science and technology: also heard plans to market?

Liu: when do, on which panels are still not ready. Because of financial concerns national economic security, so in the domestic market possibility of some. But the most important thing is to do good business, the service well.

Sina science and technology: the listing of "condition" what exactly?

Liu: just like Beijing, Tung's then decision as listed, it was December 13, came back deciding to go public, spent more than a month's time will pay files, submit IPO on new year's Eve. Jingdong financial when I said only if it is eligible, to deliver sustainable returns to our shareholders, we again. If our business is high risk, can easily lead to investor losses on, as entrepreneurs, shareholders make money for shareholders is the first duty, so only the East when the financial one day to deliver sustainable returns to our shareholders, we listed.

Sina science and technology: privatization problem? Now return to business a lot.

Liu: we will not consider privatization, last year, I talked to. Of course if we privatize home listing, possibly through capital operations easier. But I think that entrepreneurs do business, not capital, and I'm not a capitalist. Not excluding the market value of any company within a short time will be underestimated, I believe Jing dong also underrated, but is underestimated, I think more effort, time to gain trust. I can understand some of the privatization the privatization of enterprises and entrepreneurs to make a decision, but I will not do so.

Sina science and technology: when it comes to capital, Jingdong last year wrote a lot?

Liu: Yes, we voted in last year, the most typical yonghui supermarket, it took us a lot of time and effort.

Sina science and technology:in 2016 for a new family member will spend time in your family?

Liu: families have to spend their time. Reduction in working time will not, in the past, used to be spent drinking, fishing, through deserts, Tibet and Xinjiang. But there are families with children, family reunification over the time, there is no conflict. Jingdong is now open at 8:30 every morning, even if travel is not, and telephone access. Get used to it, at 7 o'clock in the morning, eat breakfast, go to the early meetings of the company. 9 employees to work, we are half an hour early, will open early.

Now, start up time to focus on the difference between the points is different. Pace of work processes, but there is no big change, entrepreneurs can have much change?

Sina science and technology: the wife is now doing investments, will help project?

Liu: I am separated from my family's investments, investments are all in the hands of the family my wife, she's pretty good, including the Uber. I wouldn't completely trust her, if you do not trust, that they married?

刘强东:婚后家庭投资完全交给奶茶妹妹 - 刘强东,京东,奶茶妹妹 - IT资讯











































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