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published in(发表于) 2016/3/8 8:36:56 Edit(编辑)
HTC shares the two-day surge in 21%: she the splitting up the VR business,

HTC shares the two-day surge in 21%: she the splitting up the VR business,(HTC股价两日暴涨21%:王雪红该分拆VR业务了,)



HTC shares the two-day surge in 21%: she the split-HTC Vive VR business, virtual reality, Ms Wang-IT information

HTC for a two day surge, rose as high as 21%, media credited to HTC Vive the VR (virtual reality), that what we think of this value? It really is HTC prolonging pill for you?

According to media reports on Friday, HTC shares rose 9.75%, the company′s shares on Monday soared 10% within hours of opening, direct trading, HTC shares soared to NT $ 99 after the close, the highest point since June 2015.

Soaring background is on Friday, HTC just released a bad earnings, earnings, HTC′s revenue reached NT $ 4.2 billion, or about $ 840 million Yuan, the highest in nearly 10 years in February lows, fell to 35%, down 55% ... ... Subsequently, HTC shares opened up like a rose. Tuesday, its shares rose 4.04% to NT $ 103.

? HTC recently k-line chart

Why so? If HTC′s stock and earnings forming a paradox media attributed to the VR business, namely HTC Vive. Beijing February 29 23:00,HTC Vive opens global pre, less than 10 minutes, the reservation more than 15000 units. Investors are no doubt a shot, boosted HTC′s rose.

At the national level, the heads will cost up to RMB 6888, advance 1500; in the United States sells for $ 799.

If HTC is HTC Vive shares soaring hero, a larger background is the VR market optimism about the Outlook of the market. A market research report earlier this year, according to Goldman Sachs, it believed that the standards expected by 2025, the market revenues to reach US $ 80 billion ($ 45 billion of which hardware revenue, $ 35 billion for software revenue); based on optimistic forecasts, the market will reach $ 182 billion. Whether it is a standard expectation or optimism, hardware revenue much more than software sales. HTC Vive belongs to hardware.

Or perhaps a variety of third-party research firm research and HTC Vive′s own great experience, excellent pre-sale numbers contributed to the HTC Vive shares rose. However, needs to calm down here.

? HTC year k-chart

Since February 2015, weighed down by poor performance, HTC shares experienced a plunge on August 24, plunged 9.43%, in its 10-year low, and was even rumored HTC will be sold. Under the plunge, let us look at the share price of the recent surge in three background:

On August 24, 2015 shares that night, HTC announced a stock buyback plan, to 50 million share repurchase limit, maximum total repurchase amount will be NT $ 3 billion yuan (about 580 million yuan), gained nearly 9% on the day, October 19, the company′s share price rose by more than 100%;

On January 18, 2016, according to Taiwan, the commercial times reported, HTC Chairman Cher Wang will establish a new VR company, focused on the VR market, share prices soared on the day 5.23%;

Since March 4, 2016, the estimated cumulative rise close to 25%. From MWC2016 since it announced the HTC Vive, price and sale, delivery dates, its stock price has been soaring.

These three phenomena are basically to support, HTC Vive (rather than Vive, VR than new business) played the role of boosted HTC′s shares.

? HTC five years of k-line chart

HTC shares from April 2011 a peak of NT $ 1300, falling to around NT $ 100 now, last August, even as low as NT $ 42, with its main business as a mobile business market have a great relationship. In phone business no improvement even in decline of situation Xia, HTC in VR field of input and market performance will became investors measure its shares of important judge according to, they only see you of future, a opposite of classic case is, Apple of shares in released has history Shang best of earnings Hou is ushered in plunged, because Apple on phone of rely on degree increasingly serious, and other business see not to new of growth.

The rest of the problem is that HTC is to split the VR business, even when independent listing, and VR when the company will be established in January outgoing HTC, my judgment at that time was: is her aunt, split VR HTC HTC independent listed may be reduced to one, or probably dead. The following reasons:

1. split help improve the overall valuation, HTC VR in favour of investors is more objective valuation of the business, even the valuation of the VR′s valuation is far higher than that of the parent company, 1+1>1. This can refer to a famous event company practices;

2. HTC give the impression it was a Smartphone company, and bruising of the Smartphone has become HTC shares, although good or HTC on the VR can boost its share price, but not in the long term has helped its shares rise from February 2015 Vive was released HTC′s price trend can be seen.

3. split as long as good VR this story (current marketing HTC bruising), opened a couple of worldwide Developers Conference, HTC makes the market a positive voice, brilliant to reproduce year VR business mobile phones businesses is not impossible, at present only products that can compete with them and only Oculus Rift.

Eventually reiterated that her aunt, split HTC HTC VR business independent listed may be reduced to one, otherwise it might really game over.

HTC股价两日暴涨21%:王雪红该分拆VR业务了 - HTC Vive,虚拟现实,王雪红 - IT资讯

HTC连续两个交易日暴涨,累计涨幅高达21%,有媒体将至归功于HTC Vive这款VR(虚拟现实)头显,那我们究竟怎么看待这款产品的价值呢?它真的是HTC的续命丸吗?




为什么会如此呢?如果HTC的股价走势和财报形成了一种悖论,媒体将至归功于其VR业务,即HTC Vive头显。北京时间2月29日23:00,HTC Vive开启全球预售,不到10分钟,其预订即超过15000台。这无疑投资者是一针强心剂,刺激了HTC的股价上涨。


如果HTC Vive成了HTC股价飙涨的功臣,一个更大的背景则是市场对VR市场前景的乐观预期。根据高盛今年初的一份市场研究报告,它认为基于标准预期,到2025年该市场营收将达到800亿美元(其中450亿美元为硬件营收,350亿美元为软件营收);基于乐观预计,该市场规模将达到1820亿美元。无论是标准预期还是乐观预期,其中硬件营收要远大于软件营收。而HTC Vive归属于硬件。

或许正是各种第三方研究公司的研报和HTC Vive自身出色的体验、出色的预售数字促成了HTC Vive股价上涨。不过,此处需要冷静一下。





2016年3月4日至今,估计累积上涨接近25%。其实从MWC2016上宣布HTC Vive售价和预售、发货日期以来,其股价一直在飙升。

从上述三个现象基本上可以佐证,HTC Vive(与其说是Vive头显,不如说是VR新业务)的确起到了提振HTC的股价的作用。




1.拆分后有利于整体估值的提高,有利于投资者更加客观的给予HTC VR业务的估值,甚至其VR的估值要远高于母公司的估值,1+1>1。这一点可以参考国内著名的发布会公司乐视的操作规范;

2. HTC给外界的印象终归是一家智能手机公司,而智能手机已经成了HTC股价的硬伤,尽管HTC在VR上的利好或可提振其股价一时,但从长远来看并不能一直帮助其股价上升,从2015年2月份Vive头显发布以来HTC的股价走势就可以看出。

3.拆分了后只要讲好VR这个故事(目前市场营销是HTC的硬伤),多开几场全球开发者大会,让市场上有HTC积极的声音,对VR业务重现当年手机业务的辉煌不是不可能,目前唯一能与之抗衡的产品也只有Oculus Rift。

最终重申:王雪红阿姨,HTC拆分VR业务独立上市或许能续HTC一命,否则可能就真的game over了。

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