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published in(发表于) 2016/3/8 8:36:13 Edit(编辑)
Dong mingzhu: gree phone, Lei did not respond, no contradiction between us,

Dong mingzhu: gree phone, Lei did not respond, no contradiction between us,(董明珠:格力做手机,雷军没反应,我们之间没矛盾,)



Dong mingzhu: gree phone, Lei did not respond, no conflict between us-gree, Dong-IT information

Recently, gree, Chairman of visit CCTV2 Dong mingzhu, gree electric appliances, Chairman and President of the met coffee program. Gree phone, Dong said, Lei did not respond, I feel nothing, there is no contradiction between us.

At the met Café program, Dong said, in 2003, when each city will hope to own one of the world's top 500 enterprises, at that time was very much hoping to sell, and Zhuhai, we have the world's top 500 enterprises. Sold by how much? In accordance with the net assets sold around 900 million sold, and then come to me, said 80 million annual salary to you, that's too tempting for me, why not. But I told him that I can't sell gree, I speak a Word, I say you are the world's top 500, it may not be tomorrow, I'm not the world's top 500. Today the dream has come true, let me 900 million at that time, I now make 15 billion a year to the State's tax revenue, it is possible? Do this world also have a gree brand in the world?

Interview transcript

Shi Xiaonuo: I read online said air conditioning giant, is to unite encirclement gree?

Dong mingzhu: it does not matter that his encirclement and his encirclement. I last year is appliances industry, only of a profit 10% of enterprise, I of net profit reached 10%, you think also enough did, I to national of tax is full industry highest of, close has 15 billion, is also enough did, that why I also to more high of price, to let consumers bear does, so last year we put price for has some adjustment yihou, certainly has many consumers think, gree air conditioning so good, price cheap we why not bought products does.

Shi Xiaonuo: don't care if they're together?

Dong: I think the market is in charge, right, seven a what does this means?

Shi Xiaonuo: now also in play?

Dong mingzhu: he doesn't have no effect on me, I still continue, because only consumers in my heart, I have no other.

Shi Xiaonuo: mobile phone after the news, Lei what there reaction?

Dong mingzhu: no reaction, I don't think anything, I feel that there is no contradiction between us.

Shi Xiaonuo: you think of millet's cell phone, did you learn from?

Dong: I'm creative, I'm not a copycat business, but at least I do not want to use, and I don't want to use the so-called hunger marketing.

Shi Xiaonuo: you say that a combination of beauty and Lei, is the cooperation of two thieves, this is the outsider generally sound, still feels a bit harsh.

Dong mingzhu, because he stole my patent, I can't say that he has stolen my patent, he's no good, is very long, so the thief is the most concise language, so I would say that he is a thief, right. Lei in India has been blocked, but also stole other people's patents, I spoke to say both of them are thieves, has no effect on me.

Shi Xiaonuo: you don't mind in such a public bad?

Dong: and I meant no harm, I think I'm a sincere attitude, someone saying Dong mingzhu, you are a public figure, one speaks of a point to note, you can't go to the roll call by name that others, and why? Do we see incorrect phenomenon we have to say, that for anyone.

Shi Xiaonuo: you don't seem to care too much about how others view you.

Dong mingzhu: sometimes you want to push forward a step forward, people need us, everyone did nice guy, won't say, then who.

Dong mingzhu, to find one of the most perfect person, always on the way.

董明珠:格力做手机,雷军没反应,我们之间没矛盾 - 格力,董明珠 - IT资讯





















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