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published in(发表于) 2016/3/8 8:32:43 Edit(编辑)
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China will fully implement United Nations sanctions on North Korea resolutions

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China will fully implement United Nations sanctions on North Korea resolutions(外交部:中国会认真全面执行联合国对朝制裁决议)



The Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China will fully implement United Nations sanctions on North Korea resolutions

China March 7 hearing, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Web site, Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said at a regular press conference today, Security Council resolution should be comprehensive and balanced implementation of resolution No. 2270, cannot consciously highlight one aspect, to the neglect of other areas. Meanwhile, the implementation of Security Council resolutions is a shared responsibility of the international community, not a thing. China will seriously, full implementation of the resolution.

Q: some comment that, Sino-Korean trade accounting for about 90% of North Korea's total foreign trade. Responsibility for the implementation of United Nations Security Council resolution No. 2270 primarily lies in China. Do you have any comment?

A: point to clear Security Council resolution No. 2270, is to deter North Korea's nuclear programme, while not affecting the people's livelihood and humanitarian needs in North Korea. Also writes of the resolution requires the resumption of the six-party talks, easing the situation in Northeast Asia by political and diplomatic means, and other important content, this is the way to resolve the Korean nuclear issue. Therefore, this should be comprehensive and balanced implementation of the resolution, cannot consciously highlight one aspect, to the neglect of other areas. Meanwhile, the implementation of Security Council resolutions is a shared responsibility of the international community, not a thing. China will seriously, full implementation of the resolution. We hope that the effective and full implementation of Security Council resolutions by all parties, including the resumption of six-party talks, tensions are not taken action has played a positive role.

(Editor: Li UN659)
2016-03-08 08:53:35

  中国网3月7日讯 据外交部网站消息,外交部发言人洪磊今日在例行记者会上表示,安理会第2270号决议决议应该得到全面、平衡执行,不能刻意突出其中的某一方面,而忽视其他领域。同时,执行安理会决议是国际社会的共同责任,不是哪一家的事。中国会认真、全面执行决议。



(责任编辑:李辉 UN659)
2016-03-08 08:53:35

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