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published in(发表于) 2016/3/8 8:32:32 Edit(编辑)
Shanghai 90% people thought that women hold up half the sky, low status of men

Shanghai 90% people thought that women hold up half the sky, low status of men(上海超9成市民认为妇女能顶半边天,男性地位低)



Shanghai 90% people think that the low status of women can hold up half the sky man | |-China Women's Federation of women _ news

Reporter Xie Kewei

Morning news city statistics released yesterday by the 2016 report on survey on public awareness of protecting the rights of women. According to the report, when asked when the actual social status of women in the city, 64% of the people think that equality between women and men, 22.1% women than men, only 12.6% of the people believe that male than female.

90% community banking model

When asked about the family's financial management mode, the 57.1% public is both a common financial, 17.6% were female-headed banking, 15.9% are men and women take care of the financial independence, 8.1% for male-headed households finance. In addition, also 0.8% of the people indicated by the child or parent for money.

For current family financial management patterns, expressed satisfaction with the 93.5% of the people, expressed dissatisfaction with the 5%, 1.5% say. Shows that the economic relationship, marriage and family stability, equality, harmony, women's rights or property interests of higher levels of protection of marriage and family.

Survey shows that marriage and family in this city, men and women share responsibility for housework, women take domestic work time than men in general members of the public. From the survey data, 25.6% of married women on average spend more than 2 hours of time doing housework than married male members of the public 14%.

13% women are not satisfied with the Division of domestic

When asked whether the current division of domestic contentment, 94.2% of the male members of the public expressed satisfaction than women 9%; 13% other women expressed dissatisfaction with the public, than men 9.9%; tell basically the same proportion of men and women members of the public.

"Women can hold up half the sky", the survey showed, 94.1% of the public agree with this quote, there are 2.6% people believe that women can hold up half the sky, and that women are not only 3.3% the sky and tell. Sex, 97.5% women agreed that women can hold up half the sky, 6.4% more people than men.

Asked when wished to adopt measures to enhance the protection of women's rights, members of the public selected the top three are the "perfect related laws and regulations" (52%), "ability to raise awareness of women's rights and human rights defenders" (45.1%) and "women's federations play a greater role" (37.4%).

Responsible editor: Chen yan SN225

Article keywords:
Women women's Federation

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Shanghai morning post
上海超9成市民认为妇女能顶半边天 男性地位低|妇女|妇联_新闻资讯

  记者 谢克伟

  晨报讯 市统计局昨天公布《2016年市民妇女权益保护意识调查报告》。《报告》显示,当被问及本市妇女的实际社会地位如何时,64%的市民认为男女平等,22.1%认为女性高于男性,只有12.6 %的市民认为男性高于女性。






  在被问及对目前的家务分工是否满意时,有94.2%的男性市民表示满意,高于女性9.0个百分点; 另有13.0%的女性市民表示不满意,高于男性9.9个百分点; 表示说不清的男女市民比例基本一致。



责任编辑:陈琰 SN225

妇女 妇联


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