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published in(发表于) 2016/3/8 8:32:02 Edit(编辑)
Physiological mechanism of Chinese researchers proved IVF gender imbalance

Physiological mechanism of Chinese researchers proved IVF gender imbalance(中国研究人员探明试管婴儿性别失衡的生理机制)



Physiological mechanism of Chinese researchers proved IVF gender imbalance

Xinhua News Agency, Washington D.C., March 7 (reporter Lin Xiaochun)-Gospel of IVF for many infertile couples, but the use of such technology babies born is highly concerned about the boys than girls. Chinese researchers found in a mouse experiment, the problem may be related to x-inactivation mechanism weakened.

Results of this research published 7th in new issue of United States National Academy of Sciences. Study of Professor Tian Jianhui, China Agricultural University, told Xinhua, since the first test-tube baby was born in 1978, in vitro fertilization are widely used in human fertility problems, there are 5.4 million test-tube baby was born and growing at a rate of 350,000 cases a year. With in vitro fertilization, a growing group, gender imbalances will become more and more prominent. However, the specific cause and still no clear idea of how to prevent.

In 2011, the Tian Jianhui found that mice also using in vitro fertilization to cultivate gender imbalances. Further studies have shown that IVF embryos exist issue of insufficient inactivation of the x chromosome, they concluded that this may be a major cause of gender imbalance.

Tian Jianhui explained that the x chromosome inactivation in female embryos early in development is through epigenetic modifications of events. If this mechanism is weakened, can result in female embryos developed abnormally, leading to a gender imbalance.

After a series of studies, they found that the x chromosome inactivation mechanisms associated with two gene Xist and Rnf12. Functional compensation on the basis of this experiment, researchers successful in vitro fertilization in mice at birth males from 57. 17% correction to 51. 92%, close to the normal range.

Tian Jianhui, said: "our research not only reveals the inner mechanism of the unbalanced sex ratio at birth, and through targeted adjustment of the cultivation system of in vitro fertilization, and address gender imbalances in vitro fertilization. ”

Tian Jianhui said there by in vitro fertilization miscarriages, low birth weight, birth defects, risk, their study also revealed the molecular mechanism of these problems and provides important guidelines for prevention.

Prior to this, pigs, cows, and other animals studies have repeatedly confirmed that IVF gender imbalances. In recent years, some studies have shown that human IVF also has this problem. For example, Australia and New Zealand an investigation shows that in vitro fertilization ratio of women to men is 1. 17:1, United Kingdom a survey of 1 per cent. 28:1. Gender imbalance means that embryonic defects on the one hand, on the other hand will have consequences on society. (End)

(Editor: Li UN659)
2016-03-08 10:00:41
Xinhua News Agency









(责任编辑:李辉 UN659)
2016-03-08 10:00:41

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