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published in(发表于) 2016/3/7 13:52:10 Edit(编辑)
This man, let Apple have not made concessions to FBI background,

This man, let Apple have not made concessions to FBI background,(这个男人,让苹果有了不向FBI妥协的底气,)



This man, let Apple have not made concessions to FBI hand-key, information security, information FBI-IT

The year March 2016

FBI and Apple unlock cell phone California gunman suspect torn white-hot

A message from the

2015 Turing Award

Issued to huitefeierde·difei and Mading·heerman

It is said that the FBI was the

(Huitefeierde·difei and Mading·heerman: blame me)


Face of the FBI are not apples?

However, if there is no huitefeierde·difei and Mading·heerman + 40 years ago when they introduced the public key encryption private key decryption schemes, laying the foundations for many network security protocols, FBI today will not be so humble as to to Apple meet ... ...

And we progress each time in the history of science and technology, will inevitably be affected by the "original interests" resist, such as ... ...

Here is in the progress of science and technology in the long resisted the pressure, promote the progress of science and technology cryptography pioneer huitefeierde·difei and Mading·heerman story ... ...

Stories from the 70 's of last century to begin

In 1970, John McCarthy, a researcher at Stanford University artificial intelligence (John McCarthy) published an article about "home terminal" (Home Information Terminal) the probability paper. He predicted that home information terminals through the telephone network to connect to a shared computer, which in turn can store books, magazines, news, public information and data such as personal files.

At the time, it was very avant-garde prophecy. Although IBM President Thomas Watson (Thomas Watson), "the world needs only five computers will be enough" of prophecy has become a joke, but even a few years later, in 1977, when the computer giant DEC founder Ken Olsen (Ken Olsen) still assert that says, "my reason for ordinary families need the computer could not be found" ... ...

? John McCarthy, in 1971 received the Turing Award in artificial intelligence

But who thought the total cattle people. Young programmers at the Stanford artificial intelligence laboratory huitefeierde·difei (Whitfield Diffie), read McCarthy's article a question arises: in a paperless world, what will replace the personal signature? This issue has also become a Whitfield Diffie's biggest challenges in the next few years.

By the way, Whitfield Diffie guide is referred to as "the father of artificial intelligence" by Marvin Minsky (see what Marvin Minsky, why would be known as the "father of AI"), the latter accepted in 1966, Whitfield Diffie for members of the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab (well, who really are lumpy).

With this problem, Whitfield Diffie and constantly consulted various experts, until he met Mading·heerman, an Assistant Professor at Stanford University. Since then, they became the field of encryption technology famous scientists names and paired good friends ... ...

? Mading·heerman (left) and huitefeierde·difei (right), taken in 1977

Whitfield Diffie and Hellman believes that enhanced confidentiality is beneficial to society, of course, the NSA do not think so ... ...

Why do you say that?

Us 818 NSA, the so-called "no departments" (No Such Agency) the mysterious body what year did ... ...

Full name of the NSA called National Security Agency (NSA), the typical work activities such as monitoring against the Vietnam war, economic espionage, um, you should remember the Lord Snowdon, he revealed the "Prism project" monitoring NSA is responsible for monitoring the project.

As the United States one of the most important intelligence, encrypted information research and solve a NSA Bank job after World War II, NSA has the best talent in this area and the deep accumulation, and Whitfield Diffie and Hellman's study is in fact "outside the system". NSA also wanted to incorporate Whitfield Diffie and Hellman, however, Whitfield Diffie and Hellman said, only under reserve the right to freedom of publication of research results, will be working with NSA.

Then plug one: NSA and Whitfield Diffie and Hellman one of the differences is that national Security Council hopes to control encryption system for real-time process, and want the system to chip rather than in the form of software to be replicated. For the NSA, the benefit of this is much easier to control, but Whitfield Diffie and Hellman believes that since the future of encryption technology to protect the personal information, then there should be a software way to operate.

And so, on March 17, 1975, Hellman Cryptographic laboratory received a letter United States National Bureau of standards sent a proposal: a new computer encryption system. He later found out that in this standard, only 56-bit key length. The password strength, for ordinary people, it's hard to break, but for the NSA, they have the ability to use your computer's resources to find out key.

Herman believes that 56-bit keys are vulnerable, but national standards Council (and behind the national security agency). The road wants to know, NSA does not want to see, they listen for messages protected by powerful data encryption algorithms.

Results are less than a year, Whitfield Diffie and Hellman found the more powerful encryption and decryption method. In 1976, they published an article entitled the new trend of cryptography papers described + private key to decrypt the symmetric key encryption algorithm. Who has a public key to encrypt the information online, but receiving side can only be given under the conditions of the private key can decrypt the information. So, encrypted public key light, the communicating parties without prior exchange of keys are secret and secure way to share information.

▲ (That is, paper)

As Whitfield Diffie and Hellman at the beginning of the thesis said: there was a change in field of computer encryption. This thesis lays a cornerstones of today's computer security, ensure that confidential data is not compromised. You may wish to consider, if there is no such an agreement has not been made, today what kind of credit card fair.

Whitfield Diffie-Hellman key exchange and its significance

Let us look at Whitfield Diffie and Hellman proposed a public key encryption is all about.

You know, by 1976, all encryption methods are the same pattern: the party rules select an encryption to encrypt information, and party b uses the same rules to decrypt the information. The weakness of this method of encryption is: the party must tell party encryption rules, so that preservation and delivery keys has become the most difficult issues.

Public-key cryptography idea: using a public key and a secret key, the public key is public, anyone can access, while the private key is kept secret. Get public key encryption to encrypt information, decrypting party by virtue of their private keys, through operation to get the rules of encryption and decryption.

In Wikipedia's description is as follows:

In practice, as long as sufficiently large prime factors, then reverse a or b is very difficult to solve.

Whitfield Diffie-Hellman key exchange the meaning of technology is: encrypted public key and decrypt private keys divided--who has a public key to encrypt the information online, but receiving side can only be given under the conditions of the private key can decrypt the information. So, encrypted public key light, the communicating parties without prior exchange of keys are secret and secure way to share information.

The NSA did some thinking bodice.

There is no doubt that the agreement proposed to shake the foundations of the NSA: If people get an encryption method for personal information, you can have a hiding place, and the NSA (or intelligence) to easily listen to decipher what they want to get information also will be history.

The new trend of cryptography and a discussion of the DES encryption algorithm paper was published, intensification of the contradiction between Whitfield Diffie and Hellman and the NSA. NSA began to use his powers to restrict Whitfield Diffie and Hellman dissemination of research results.

It is reported that the NSA employee written warning at the publishers, said the authors of the paper may be in jail for violations of restrictive arms export laws. The struggle is known as the "password war". Eventually, of course, public key has not been killed, Whitfield Diffie and Hellman insisted on, the key is to maintain the highest possible standards.

Today, millions of people every day use online banking, e-commerce Web sites, mail servers, and cloud storage, these services are dependent on Whitfield Diffie-Hellman Protocol to establish a secure connection.

However, the password has not ended the war, in last year's ACM Conference on computer and communications security, papers said the NSA has been using "big prime number only a few commonly used" vulnerability, and certificate decomposition advances in quantum computing, based on Whitfield Diffie-Hellman Protocol is expected to break the current most widely used RSA public-key encryption algorithm. But even so, the FBI still had to turn to Apple in order to get the information they want, and Apple's insistence, as well as 40 years ago, Whitfield Diffie and Hellman's courage in facing the NSA.

Password war game of corpuscles with Apple and the FBI are just lies, encryption is also a threat to the security of their departments. And Whitfield Diffie and Hellman struggle from the outset with the NSA, is just maintenance of the privacy of the citizen.

这个男人,让苹果有了不向FBI妥协的底气 - 密钥,信息安全,FBI - IT资讯














1970年,斯坦福大学人工智能研究员约翰·麦卡锡(John McCarthy)发表了一篇有关“家庭信息终端”(Home Information Terminal)可能性的论文。他预测,家庭信息终端能通过电话网络来与一台共享计算机相连接,反过来并可储存书籍、杂志、新闻、公共信息和个人文件等数据。

放在当时,这算是非常前卫的预言。虽然IBM总裁托马斯·沃森(Thomas Watson)“世界只需要五台计算机就够了”的预言已经成为笑话,但就算到了数年后的1977年,当时的计算机巨头DEC创始人肯·奥尔森(Ken Olsen)仍然断言称,“我找不到普通家庭也需要计算机的理由”……


但是牛人的思想总有牛人理解。同在斯坦福人工智能实验室的年轻程序员惠特菲尔德·迪菲(Whitfield Diffie),读了麦卡锡的文章后产生了一个疑问:在无纸化的世界里,什么东西将会取代个人签名?这个问题也成为了迪菲接下来几年中最大的挑战。






我们来八一八NSA,这个号称“没这个部门”(No Such Agency)的神秘机构当年都做了什么……

NSA的全称叫National Security Agency(国家安全局),它的典型工作比如监视反越战活动,经济间谍活动,嗯,你应该记得斯诺登,他透露的“棱镜计划”监听项目就是由NSA负责监控的。






















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