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qq published in(发表于) 2015/6/19 12:26:22 Edit(编辑)
Foxconn Ali SOFTBANK partnership to sell detailed robot: “pepper“ is what the hell? ,

Foxconn Ali SOFTBANK partnership to sell detailed robot: “pepper“ is what the hell? ,

Foxconn Ali SOFTBANK partnership to sell detailed robot: "pepper" is what the hell? Alibaba, Foxconn, robot-IT information

A Japan telecom giant, a Chinese e-commerce giant, a "Foundry" Giants, when these three forces in global push for home and work environment of robot production and sales, the products and services that will be brought?

Japan SOFTBANK Group and Alibaba group and Foxconn technology group yesterday announced the agreement, Ali and Foxconn will be the robot holding company owned by SOFTBANK Softbank (SoftBank Robotics Holdings Corp, referred to as "SBRH") injection of 14.5 billion yen (about US $ 118 million). After the injection is complete, Ali and Foxconn will each hold SBRH 20% shares, Softbank holds 60% shares. SBRH main bots, indirectly by the SOFTBANK holdings.

Starting this Saturday, SBRH in Japan sales subsidiary of SOFTBANK human emotions robot Pepper, first planned to sell 1000 units. (Pepper there is currently no official disclosure of Chinese names, but with the same name except "pepper", and the iron man of "pepper". )

Softbank, Ali, Foxconn said in Japan sales plans to produce about 1000 a month after Pepper and Pepper in the Japan market sales will need to wait until next year to start. Focusing on household robots at the same time, the three parties will also be launched in the autumn of commercial robot research and development. SOFTBANK CEO Masayoshi Son said Pepper for use in enterprise application will be released next month, this autumn, Pepper robots available to enterprise users to buy.

With the function of emotional humanoid robot

In June 2014, Pepper appeared in public for the first time, said Pepper through cloud-based artificial intelligence system of human gesture, facial expression, intonation, etc. SOFTBANK CEO Masayoshi Son said in an interview, "we give the robot heart and emotion, this is the first time in human history. ”

Zhihou, SOFTBANK cooperation with IBM, IBM Watson's cognitive computing platform for artificial intelligence systems to be integrated with Pepper, Watson will have informed action to Pepper.

Pepper's design philosophy is to accompany humans, it can communicate with people, human emotions, and with people "get along" in the process of learning one's habits and preferences, and, for function adjusting and perfecting.

At yesterday's press conference, Masayoshi Son, displaying the latest Pepper "emotion engine" that can not only help Pepper to identify human emotion, can also develop robots their own "artificial emotion": when the Pepper is ignored by owners, which would imitate a lonely and sad state when praised and bathing when you love, it will be happy.

SOFTBANK introduces CPU was faster than last year's version of the latest version of Pepper 4 times, cloud connect, Pepper can learn from other robots, and the user's personal information and data cannot be shared.

As an emotional robot, Pepper does not wash dishes, wash clothes as well as the ability to do household chores. However, SOFTBANK said will launch about 200 applications for Pepper to become "more useful". For example, Pepper's diary (Pepper's Diary) in the family photo, you can also write diaries, stored like a smart album memories of family members.

Of course, the Pepper has a humanoid shape in addition to "mouth" with basic hand function: it can capture some of the lighter object. Display, the Pepper can be handed out a packet of tissues, and can also extract tissues from the tissue box and handed it to people in the vicinity.

Pepper ' "the brightest star in Taurus"

This 121 cm high, has a white body, lovely profile of Pepper, from SOFTBANK France subsidiary, Aldebaran Robotics design.

Aldebaran was founded in 2005, the word means "Aldebaran", is the brightest star in Taurus. Its CEO Bruno Maisonnier, founder has always been committed to research and development can help seniors in a retirement home, or robots to communicate with autistic children.

In March 2012, never set foot in the Android market, SOFTBANK acquired Aldebaran over 80% shares, pricing analysts called the $ 100 million. In addition, SOFTBANK will invest a further US $ 400.05 billion accelerating the research and development of Aldebaran. Upon completion of the transaction, SOFTBANK "drive away" Aldebaran, including Intel capital, CDC Innovation, iSource and Cr e dit Agricole Private Equity, including shareholders. Aldebaran became subsidiary of SOFTBANK France subsidiary.

A company started with only 6 employees of small companies, what caused Japan telecoms giant concerns?

Public information, developed by Aldebaran NAO robot in the first paragraph, in 2008, replacing Sony's AIBO robot dog Robot League of RoboCup Soccer standard platform of the World Cup. RoboCup Soccer is a student organization robot soccer tournament, its ultimate goal is to build a humanoid robot soccer team, in 2050 with human World Cup showdown. Later, NAO becomes application creates platforms for research and teaching at the University, but also got the attention of programmers. Aldebaran's official website said the NAO has not yet put into household use.

In addition to NAO and Pepper,Aldebaran has also developed a service robot for the study of Romeo, designed to help researchers study in greater depth the elderly, unable to care for personal care.

In addition, Aldebaran with its product "low prices" to hold people's attention: it is not the first company that developed humanoid robot, but were the first to have the ability to produce at low cost companies. In 2012, was acquired by Softbank, NAO robot sells for about $ 15,600, Maisonnier said believe Aldebaran Robotics will eventually price to 2000-3000 euros (about us $ 2273-3410), that is, the price of a high-end computer.

Back to Pepper who soon came to the public eye, its priced at 198,000 yen (about us $ 1600). In a 3-year contract package, buyers need to pay 148,000 yen per month (about US $ 120) and monthly service costs 9800 yen (about 80 US dollars) premium. In other words, the total will reach us $ 8800 – the price paid if they feel prices are still expensive, Pepper or 1500 yen per hour (about us $ 12.2) of prices for leased use.

Former President of SOFTBANK Chief, current Trion, President sanmuxiongxin said, at current prices, the Pepper in the listing might be the initial agency as the main buying users. Trion Corporation is Japan with an online education company, which launched a children's English dialogue, will be pre-loaded on the Pepper.

Bloomberg reports that SOFTBANK will sell below the cost of manufacturing goods Pepper, and uses similar to the Apple model, relies on the app store to generate revenue. As of now, SOFTBANK to provide developers with 500 Pepper robots, for development applies to robot applications.

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