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qq published in(发表于) 2015/6/19 12:24:43 Edit(编辑)
Us amphibious assault ships entered the South China Sea Sea, a ship docked in Hong Kong

Us amphibious assault ships entered the South China Sea Sea, a ship docked in Hong Kong

Us amphibious assault ships entered the South China Sea East China Sea a ship docked in Hong Kong (picture) | United States Navy amphibious assault ship | | Bonhomme Richard _ news

United States Navy aboard two amphibious assault ships LHD6 "Bonhomme Richard" and LHD2 "Essex" was, respectively, into the East China Sea and the waters of Hong Kong. Among them, the WaSP-class amphibious assault ship "Essex" to dock at Hong Kong to recover. "Bonhomme Richard" and the amphibious landing ship "Ashland" (LSD48) in the East China Sea, performing 7th Fleet cruise tasks.


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