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qq published in(发表于) 2015/6/19 12:24:11 Edit(编辑)
Orient star tilt 80 cm, armed police rushed sandbags leveling

Orient star tilt 80 cm, armed police rushed sandbags leveling

Orient star tilt 80 cm armed police rushed sandbags leveling | Orient star | Yangtze River shipwreck _ news

New in Jianli, June 10 (reporter Ai Qiping Xu Jinbo) 9th, according to the latest news ahead, sweeping survey of staff found that the "star of the East" the ship tilted to the left by about 80 cm.

At present, close to hull shore, armed police officers and soldiers were filling sandbags overnight shipped to the right side of the hull weight levelling in order to drag away in a safe range. Sandbags about 50 pounds per bag, 9th is expected to more than 10,000 bags.

It is understood that the "star of the East" tilting occurred mainly because the hull, two days ago, searchers when you clean the hull, were shedding jobs, hull weight changes. Secondly, hulls moored where the waters flow changes; and, third, to restore the hull floating, drag to prepare for the future, hook load shedding on a floating crane. But this tilt belongs to a certain degree tilt, is normal and does not affect the security.

On June 9, all day, staff were dragged away from the "Orient Star" hull in preparation. Also the hull was impervious, plugging, but also to prepare for safe towing.

The night of June 1, the "star of the East" in Jianli capsized in the waters of the Yangtze River. On June 5, the rescue personnel on the "star of the East" implementation of righting, then boarded the vessel to carry out searches. On June 8, the two salvage vessels after clearing the sequestration of the hull has been dragged upstream by about 50 meters. However, the ship docked waters are unsafe, the water depth, currents, are near the main channel. Therefore, the hull from the water needs to be shallow and adequate parking, far from the fairway.

As "star of the Orient" sank incident investigation is not over, for the purposes of the investigation after hull away from the dock to not too far away from the incident. At present, away from programme-related sectors are still in the process of refining. (End)

(Original title: "star of the East" tilt was filling sandbags overnight weight level)

China News Network

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