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qq published in(发表于) 2015/6/19 12:24:09 Edit(编辑)
Orient star tilt 80 cm, armed police overnight weight level

Orient star tilt 80 cm, armed police overnight weight level

Orient star tilt 80 cm armed police overnight weight levelling | Orient star | Yangtze River shipwreck _ news

# Orient Star Wreck accident # "Orient star tilt armed police overnight weight level," tonight, the salvage of the "star of the East" a certain degree tilt, the ship tilted to the left side 80 cm. Armed police officers filling sandbags weight levelling, sandbags onto the Orient star deck is placed on the right side, after leveling, waiting for the tow to safe waters. According to tilt or load shedding, water-related reasons. (CCTV reporter Liu Feng Zhang Zongyao Gan Xiang)

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