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qq published in(发表于) 2015/6/10 7:25:20 Edit(编辑)
Scientists: girl backhand can feel your belly button body good,

Scientists: girl backhand can feel your belly button body good,

Scientists: girl good backhand can feel your belly button body-body, navel-IT information

Think they perfect figure women turned out for the "backhand touch your belly button" challenge, if you challenge, touch the belly button, even more than the Earth-a navel ring, remember that photos upload your circle of friends, kill your enemy.

Of course, touch around the navel of the Earth is not necessarily a slender waist, such as Liu Pei or Gibbon.

If you are unlucky, you challenge failed, and did not touch the belly button, touch the waist or just touch my back, so now you can go to the bathroom to cry for a moment, and then firmly told myself, you're just short hand. Well, it must be so.

United States scientists study found that girls turn to touch the belly body is in shape . Backhand touches the belly button is mainly used to measure whether the girl's figure slim, slender waist, but boys also can be used as a reference, transition to see if obese, beer belly is too big.

If the flexibility of the spine of your body and arm flexibility is good, then the probability of your backhand touches the belly button will be relatively high. If it is a yoga master, let alone touch backhand navel, backhand touches everywhere without any pressure.

Finally, on behalf of all thin clear the crowd to end the challenge, this topic to this end, touch wherever wanted to touch. However, this is no, it shall not be eaten, and salted fish also makes no difference.

A lot of people can't do backhand beyond touching your belly button, they still do not get bent over the hand touch toes. Before you rush to squats in the corner, you can comfort yourself, it is because the legs are too long so they can't touch.

Except backhand touches the navel to prove beyond their size, in the long history of mankind, and what way to prove your beauty?

To prove his legs are very long. Upper and lower body proportions are the most important, but also many people noticed. If you took the trouble, you can use string measure out the length of the upper and lower body, upper body from the shoulder until the arm, and from hips to feet.

If you down more than 0.5 body head length, then your upper and lower body proportions are perfect. 1:0.618 is the golden ratio, simply 8:5.

Recently, domestic models generated a variety shows long legs girls name is Lei Tong, NET 1.15 m long in the leg , breaking the Guinness Book of records than Germany famous supermodel, Guinness longest legs longer models najia·aoerman 1.12 m 0.03 m. Netizen exaggeration to say, her head is all legs.

Everyone want to have 9 figure, how do you know whether you have 9 heads, or just 5? Basis of comparison is to measure the length of the head and body, if you have 7 or 7.5 length above the head to the body, then your body is standard or slim.

In fact, don't bother, took a photo, use the legend of "screenshot" method will be able to know a few heads.

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