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qq published in(发表于) 2015/6/10 7:24:46 Edit(编辑)
HTC expects second-quarter revenues plunge: three death difficult to understand,

HTC expects second-quarter revenues plunge: three death difficult to understand,

HTC expects second-quarter revenues plunge: the three major Achilles ' heel-bout HTC earnings reports, HTC mobile phones-IT news

HTC short-lived revival was again merciless performance cut off. HTC said recently that total revenues for the second quarter will generally fall to between 33 billion and 36 billion new Taiwan dollars, expected sales revenue with the corresponding variable cost difference between the modified from 23-23.5% to 19-19.5%. In a couple of months ago, HTC has given quarterly revenue was NT $ 46 billion to 51 billion forecast, fell close to the 50%, HTC revival cast a shadow again.

Current Terminal market is extremely competitive, and in this era of a clash of Kings, HTC down, on the one hand is the Smartphone market because of slowing overall growth on the other, itself in the market to meet the force and advertising of failures, as well as the relative lack of core technology has a direct relationship. As a former star of the Terminal market at a rapid pace, no backward HTC still work in the Terminal market, but fighting continues in the Red Sea, HTC is still chance of revival, on the contrary, if out of this thinking, in the field of virtual reality equipment, drone to work harder, or can break another situation.

HTC difficulties aggravated

Looking back to 2008, HTC launched the first Android phone, a strong rise, in the North American market is not, beyond Apple's totals. April 19, 2012, United States after the import ban against HTC, distracting situation today is grim.

HTC earnings figures fell in succession, in particular May expect, Cliff-fall is not an exaggeration. HTC recently announced expected to show in the second quarter, overall revenue slipped NT $ 46 billion to 51 billion previously expected to between 33 billion and 36 billion new Taiwan dollars, expected sales revenue with the corresponding variable cost difference between the modified from 23-23.5% to 19-19.5%. Combined previously HTC announced near several months of situation view, this year January, HTC revenue compared increased 26.39%, February compared increased 27.7%, March compared increased 23.41%, and to has April compared reduced 38.66%, May although not announced, but according to HTC of expected, will compared reduced reached 48.79%, from data see, except February of slightly rose zhiwai, this year Qian May, HTC of revenue dilemma has been in deepened.

The industry even more worrying is that day of the shareholders ' meeting, held in June 2, HTC, HTC shares immediately after the opening gap down, fell 83.6 Yuan NT. Just three years of time, HTC has lost has over its 90% of market, even once outgoing "HTC to in China CD 50% of employees, even is to was millet acquisition" of message, downturn of performance and mad biography of rumors, let HTC had to made response, and for market of sharply evaporation, has always been was called woman of HTC Chairman she more is made stunt--to shareholders bow apologized.

Three big Achilles ' heel to the HTC difficult recovery

According to the investment firm Jefferies data, HTC phones 2014 global market share ranking in 11th place. As Taiwan stock market had one of the cattle unit, peak value reached NT $ 1.63 trillion, but only NT $ 81.8 billion, what is the reason HTC, this once-desolate fields now trillions of household, HTC's three "death" is a key factor.

First of all,HTC market caters to capacity remains to be improved . And caters to the market forces, HTC is most apparent is the issue of price. As we all know, HTC the flagship models on the pricing is still routinely at Samsung, Apple, there is still hope in 2011 to move forward, but in reality the situation is very cruel, after the consumer has clear understanding of the difference between Android and Apple, HTC still hold high positions in the wishful thinking, want to pierce the performance trough like wishful thinking. In HTC's statement can be seen in one or two, HTC said that because of "reduced demand for high-end mobile", leading to sales revenue, also suggests that the launch of the HTC One M9 sales earlier than expected.

Second, the brand focused advocacy capacity is difficult to form . HTC Samsung increase the marketing investment since the start of the year before learning, invested a lot of money, but does not seem to be any effect. HTC spent little money Robert Downey, but when the Avengers 2 was hit, but there are a few people think HTC?

Finally, compared to the manufacturers comparatively backward technology supply chain . HTC has been with Samsung as the example, keep making progress, so in advertising, sales price there is also such a situation. But Samsung, itself has a strong technology and supply chain family backer, said Samsung's high-end machines have strong support behind, and contrast HTC, Terminal price Samsung alongside Apple's high-end machine, but something always makes people feel less. In such circumstances, consumers in the selection of HTC and Samsung, Apple, naturally prefer the former.

Move to a new area will be the HTC a new way out

The Smartphone market has matured, HTC, a former star in the Red Sea continues to gallop, broader terms has been difficult.

On one hand, the Smartphone market slowed fought midrange difficulty undiminished. Market research company IDC expects worldwide Smartphone shipments this year to grow 12%, 26% growth slowed compared to last year. A quarter can also be seen from HTC, increasingly fierce competition has been compressed Smartphone manufacturers ' profits. The other hand, innovation bottlenecks and lack of core technology is HTC's ills. As HTC HTC the flagship One (M9), early in the launch, about its judgments differ, from hardware and technology, M9 is impeccable, but compared to the previous generation model innovation and fairly limited, this is directly reflected in the revenue forecast.

However, there are two sides of the same coin, HTC has been lost to the competition in the market into the Red Sea Terminal, have opened another door, that is the field of virtual reality equipment, drone. According to the aviation consulting firm Teal Group predicted that the next 10 years, consumer grade UAV industry to achieve sustained economic growth, is projected to rise from $ 2.8 billion in 2014 to 2023 of 5.6 billion dollars. Market research institutes CBInsights statistics also show, in 2014, the unmanned aerial vehicles increase in financing start-ups get over 100%, amounted to $ 108 million.

Flow in order to constantly create miracles, now scarred by HTC, wants revival, must show the courage to fight back, and accelerated virtual reality equipment, its UAV field, transition is the way.

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