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qq published in(发表于) 2015/6/10 7:24:39 Edit(编辑)
Gree phone to sell 50 million: Dong too “capricious“,

Gree phone to sell 50 million: Dong too “capricious“,

Gree phone to sell 50 million: Dong too "headstrong"-Dong mingzhu, gree mobile phones-IT news

Gree electric appliances on the general meeting of shareholders, held on June 1, gree, Chairman Dong mingzhu, gree phone progress of recent interest made a further disclosure, "gree phone has started an internal ordering, pricing will be 1600 Yuan, believe that sold 50 million is not a problem in the future. ”

Dong mingzhu of gree phone is also open to the present shareholders advance, each can book two, time of arrival is after a week.

But no common sense brand of "Miss Dong", this is not to let consumers know where can buy green mobile phone.

As early as in January this year, she had released pronouncements: "I want to be mobile, every minute, too easy. "March 18 speech at Sun Yat-sen University, she suddenly for the first time show gree phone and says" I'm already in use ".

Live pictures at the time, her show gree phone is a cell phone screen, silver cover, rear cover engraved with "GREE" logo. When the media asked whether somebody is working, when listing, pricing, how much, but she did not disclose details.

This two position lasted for more than two months between the time, gree phone appeared without warning, attracted the industry was surprised, feeling Miss Dong "capricious".

Gree metonymy factory production of mobile phones

Gree air conditioning online stores from the Sina science and technology yesterday visited the gree mobile phones in nearly period of time may be listed for sale. Gree said stores staff, the company has started collecting the store requires a predetermined phone number. But at the time shows that there is a will intended to buy a, after calling up head, he replied that time to market is still undecided, still needs some time.

From information provided by the mobile phone supply chain analyst for gree did provide confirmed on the phone.

SINA science and technology from the related supply chain channels, gree mobile Shanghai company Longcheer design, Shenzhen zowee technology Foundry. With a Qualcomm processor and features a 5-inch screen, the first batch of about hundreds of thousands of orders.

It is understood that production has a complete industrial chain of mobile phone products, factory production of mobile phones in advance certain cycle upstream component suppliers to purchase. By understanding cell phone components procured by the factory orders can be predicted the production quantity of mobile phone products.

Shenzhen sunrise mobile terminal industry Research Institute Director, Sun Yanbiao to Sina technology revealed, gree zowee phone orders from camera and touch screen manufacturers received orders to support this, gree mobile equipments which are needed to purchase approximately 400,000 mobile phone usage. He said, but to give particular attention to the quality, gross for components of the test than the other manufacturers.

HS iSuppli China research director Wang Yang confirmed the gree phone has orders to suppliers, the first batch of orders for 200,000 units. In his view, the gree handsets will go on sale in the near future, but home appliance manufacturers doing totally different mobile phone games and cell phone manufacturers, exactly how it is hard to say.

However, the Green mobile phone whether the recent successful listing of it is difficult to determine, mobile phone League old Yao told Sina science and technology that China, gree gave zowee phone orders, but recently delayed the production of the order.

Dong says and does is far worse

Gree is really to do mobile phones, but it feels more like a farce, and don't know how to end.

According to network license released in April, the Ministry of information, gree 720p mobile phone with 5-inch screen, quad-core 1.2GHz Qualcomm processor, storage 1GB memory +8GB the fuselage, providing 2 million pixels front + rear 8 million pixels camera. Configured so that the phone price is 1600 Yuan for consumers without any appeal, comparably configured mobile phone price is much lower than this.

Dong mingzhu, earlier had publicly said "gree phones already on the market began selling", which caused consumer curiosity and concern of the gree phone. But from the investigation of a number of media reports, gree phone in the open sales channels yet to see its shadow.

In addition, gree real phone is entirely chosen by a third party for production design, just after the OEM sales. This release before and Dong Hao yan, "I want to be mobile, every minute, too easy" to compare say and do far more bad than good.

Surprise was, Dong finally learn to shareholders in recent days had a weakness and will actively change of gree mobile-targeted sales cut in half said shortly before 2015 to sell 100 million dropped to 50 million.

Do cell phone gree please do

For gree in haste to enter the mobile phone industry, Huawei consumer BG CEO Yu earlier expressed fears in a media interview, he believes the mobile phone industry is a mess, and only a few vendors can ultimately survive.

League old gone gree, China Mobile phone is not good, he believes that mobile phone competition emphasizes a personalized and branded, gree phone if you can't find and the combining of existing air conditioning products, development can be difficult. "Gree online shop can bring about great sales idea is wishful thinking, consumers buy mobile phones the mobile channel. ”

In fact, in recent years, traditional home appliance giants such as Hisense, TCL, CHANGHONG has launched several cell phones, but the sales flat, did not bring much change to the mobile phone market.

Mobile phone industry play really different from the home appliance industry, the mobile industry is a relatively mature ecological chain, gree want cross-border phone will encounter many difficulties and want to take mobile phone market is no easy task.

Traditional home appliances manufacturers in product manufacturing advantage did not play much role in the mobile phone, more consumer-oriented mobile phones products emphasize user experience marketing but rather absent and home appliance manufacturers and fans need to learn.

There are moments of great change in the appliance industry, the helm Dong mingzhu of gree bullish on mobile as an opportunity for smart home entry, want to try cross-boundary in this area should be encouraged. But if Hagrid's just like this talk every day rather than a serious effort to do so, that don't come from taking the humiliation.

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