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qq published in(发表于) 2015/6/9 6:42:29 Edit(编辑)
WWDC2015: the Cook’s onslaught, Apple’s retreat,

WWDC2015: the Cook’s onslaught, Apple’s retreat,

WWDC2015: the Cook's onslaught, Apple's retreat-WWDC2015, Apple Developers Conference, iOS9-IT information

WWDC2015, Apple is the annual college entrance examination. Steve Jobs was the college entrance exam, but Cook expects to go to the same height, it has backfired. WWDC this year can be described as Apple's retreat. All told, the lack of hardware innovations, software upgrades, there are highlights, but no killer app.

IOS9 goodness of the 4S can be neglected

Overall, the pre-pinned iOS9, does it meet your expectations?

First of all, new Siri can use to take your proposal activities carried out by the device, if you add an event to your calendar application, Siri will remind you that you should start time, this is more like a reminder function. Intelligence has some upgrades, but similar applications is not uncommon.

In addition, iOS9 added intelligent design, I like to call it the "personification" designs, such as when you pick up the iPhone for the first time in the morning, it will automatically according to your daily habits needed to open the APP. Browser search, mail and other historical records, phone records and generate reminders. More intelligent in the reminder and secondary links, this kind of personify design, more like soy sauce babysitter

Perhaps split-screen design of multi-task is a relatively new, but, compared to the smaller screen of the iPhone and iPad, and I don't know what the best scenario is based on the application?

Maximum grace, perhaps iPhone4s and IPAD 2 support. Apple Announces iPhone4s with iPad 2 and above devices can also be upgraded to iOS 9. However, we think, early 4S most dominated by 8G and 16G. Upgrade to iOS8 when all the space I need to make ends meet, 1.3G iOS9? So-called good faith, I feel it can be ignored.

Watch OS 2: Cook's legend is far

I am not optimistic about Apple Watch. In the Apple after the Watch I wrote of an era is coming to an end, "why are Apple iPhone or iPad gives so much passion? Because they are the perfect man, Steve jobs, to create unique products. But Apple Watch is obviously not perfect, is not unique. At least, it won't bring us to stunning effect. ”

Of course, had to say, to eliminate the influence of Steve jobs on Apple Cook. Best chance at Apple Watch. Only this product in the future is called the Cooke legend. But for now, this may have to wait.

New WatchOS2 will bring more native applications for Apple Watch. This includes new dial, new features, and more interesting uses. Overall, and IOS 9 release, the lack of killer applications. Most of the features are icing on the cake, if not jobs already created Apple users strong adhesion, it is difficult to say these upgrades is a successful 2.0. perhaps more appropriately called watch OS 1S.

First, desktop pictures, Apple opened up a little bit right, allowing the user to put their picture on the dial and even time-lapse photography works as a dial. This is seen as open in Apple's biggest faith (AndroidWear platform design dials in can), on the small screen in the confusion between, in fact, has no practical significance.

Second, charging clock WatchOS2 it can display time in charge, will also join the alarm clock function. This is to replace the old bedside alarm clock? It is difficult to understand, AppleWatch replaces the iPhone yet? Your phone alarm clock? Moreover, MOTO360 can do it a long time ago.

Third, it can be directly connected to WIFI. Maybe until today many users without buying Apple Watch, know that it is unable to connect WIFI, is the need to rely on the iPhone. Well, this is a very useful upgrade, but pay attention to Apple Watch the little battery on the battery life is able to continue to force.

IV, smart home? Are we going to squeeze the phone's future space? In fact I do not understand much about is that as a remote control, a watch is larger than a cell phone that looks more like a remote control? I think at this point, iPhone a better chance.

V, original watches. This may be a future open, Watch OS 1.0, which is now, it must rely on the iPhone, and all application logic is put good iPhone, watch parts that appear to support it. 2.0 system, application developers can develop for Apple Watch alone, it is no longer the iPhone accessories. Independent ecological Watch, will have long-term significance for the development of, otherwise, can only be understood as I continued to squeeze room for iPhone.

WWDC2015 special report:

One minute to read WWDC2015

Change Center: WWDC2015 Apple Worldwide Developers Conference graphics live video

IOS9 Beta version Flash tutorials

Optimization: Apple iOS9 updates complete

Apple comes out with Apple Music: supports Windows and Android!

Apple watchOS 2 released: dial add new styles

Apple released OS x El Capitan: Mac graphics processing performance enhancements

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