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qq published in(发表于) 2015/6/8 8:49:51 Edit(编辑)
Warning the passenger ship capsized rescue Memorial will be built at Jianli in Hubei education

Warning the passenger ship capsized rescue Memorial will be built at Jianli in Hubei education

Jianli passenger ship capsized rescue warning education | Memorial will be built _ the Yangtze River shipwreck | Memorial news

New in Jianli, June 7 (Xinhua Li Junjie Deng Xia) passenger ship capsized in Yangtze River in Jianli County of Hubei Province, will build a memorial to alert and educate future generations.

7th, Huang Zhen, Jianli County in Hubei Province, in a media interview, revealed the news.

According to the official, 456 people on board the "star of the East" has searching bodies of the victims 431, survived 14, 11 missing. At present, the official continues to increase the intensity of the search for missing persons.

Citizens advice, the "star of the East" passenger ship has been strengthening water, can set up the lighthouse on the shore shipwreck monument, to mourn the death of compatriots on the one hand, on the other hand, can give after passing the vessel some warning. Some people also suggested, should make "star of the East" was built as a Memorial, part of the cabin stay the same way, other cabins used as exhibition hall, save this event-related information, can also be the victims ' families worship places of loved ones in the future.

In response, Huang said, the County has a tentative, to build "star of the East" passenger ship capsized rescue Memorial events and navigation safety warning Al-Qaida, has been reported to superior, still needs extensive argumentation, but for now I can confirm is that a Memorial will be built in the County.

In addition, the "star of the East" wreck can stay in Jianli County, Huang said that they are superior for instructions, including consultations with Chongqing municipality and Eastern shipping company, according to superior approval, as a next step.

"We have arranged for County Record Office and archives, started collecting all events related to rescue data, prepare for the Museum in the future. "Huang said. (End)

(Original title: Yangtze River passenger ship capsized event: Jianli Memorial warning education will be built later)

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