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qq published in(发表于) 2015/6/8 8:49:10 Edit(编辑)
Orient star passenger boat capsized event scene, mourning

Orient star passenger boat capsized event scene, mourning

Orient star passenger boat capsized rescue scene mourning | Oriental star _ news

On June 7, the silence in memory of all the present hat. Xinhua News Agency reporter Bai Yu photography

Xinhuanet, Wuhan, June 7-according to tradition, 7th is "star of the East" of passenger ships, the man "first seven" Memorial Day. At 9 o'clock in the morning, the wreck scene, held mourning activities for the victims, killing-oriented site ships stand 3 minutes of silence, ship sirens and 3 minutes, expressing condolences to the deceased.

At 5 o'clock in the morning starts, intermittent light rain River, the rescue work is still carried out. To mourn the dead, rescue personnel lifting the boat put up an improvised altar, filled with candles, incense, above the yellow chrysanthemum. 8:50, river shipping line, their grief in silence.

Meanwhile, some victims ' families located in front of the Working Group also organized victims ' families or to the hotel, or by setting simple altar River, for the families of the victims mourned.

At 9 o'clock, Yang, Minister of transportation announced the mourning began. Wreck rescue scene still stopped all personnel involved in the rescue work, hat stands, facing the wrecked ships of silence, including dozens of other personnel media journalists have bowed, stood in mourning. Meanwhile, all parked in the vicinity of the ship sounded sirens through shipwreck rescue vessels at the scene also slowed and huffs.

"So many days to try to search, mainly in order to make the deceased peace at an early date, so early, comfort to the families of the victims. "Wuhan channel Rescue Diver Wang Bihua said the salvage team, we feel very heavy, again our profound condolences to the victims.

Mourning the victims lasted three minutes, then, rescuers continued to work, do our best to search for victims. At present, the "star of the East" the death toll has risen to 431, 14 survived, 11 people are still missing, rehabilitation of the victims is ongoing.


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