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qq published in(发表于) 2015/6/7 0:39:55 Edit(编辑)
Taiwan Internet status: almost marginalized

Taiwan Internet status: almost marginalized

Taiwan Internet status: almost marginalized-Taiwan, the Internet-IT news

Introduction : Taiwan Internet industry continues to "rebel" and "marginal people" image in the industry, "the mainstream or electronics industry. ”

Luo Ruibo is 40 years old, a taxi driver in Taipei, his phone is Nokia features. He told reporters that he has nothing to do with the Internet. Left side of the steering wheel is a bit old calling equipment, reminding him of their users vehicles needs. He says 1500 to give the team a month t to use. Although he knew that Uber, but felt that the cart software market.

24 year old Zeng Jiahao was a bank clerk in Taipei City, there are a lot of social software on his phone, Facebook is the most commonly used and the Line, city, Internet companies, but also install some applications. He installed several games, but no video. He told reporters that Youtube is enough.

They represent Taiwan awareness of two generations of users for the Internet. Taiwan population and geographic space, determine the scale advantages brought about by the Internet to reflect; reporter dialog of Taiwan people in the herd mentality so that they get used to using an application, because foreign products strong, making it difficult for local horse and Internet products.

However, some indications that Taiwan Internet local industries are growing bud. A large number of young people from the electronic industry, according to their interests and market hot spots to set up a small company or team, e-commerce, O2O, games become the popular choice of business in these areas. The ideas of these young people are often very strange, and willing to try.

However, Taiwan Accelerator AppWorks founder and partner Lin Chen told reporters that Taiwan's Internet industry continues to "rebel" and "marginal people" image in the industry, "mainstreaming of industry or the electronics industry. ”

Behind this, Taiwan Internet industry is going through what kind of change?

Demonstration effect

Gaming Giants EA for many years Peng Dexin, and several friends founded a the game venture company Mai written and acted as CEO. In his view, few cases of successful entrepreneurship is inspiring Taiwan young people walked out of the big companies, to start their own businesses. These start-ups are becoming Taiwan Internet fire.

Peng Dexin told reporters that due 2013 Line Naver to NT $ 529 million takeover of the parent company, WhosCall in Taiwan business circle to become a model. Which is Taiwan Gogolook company has developed one with caller ID and SMS blocking App for free.

In fact, Taiwan Internet industry in vertical areas are constantly come up with some fresh players.

In game field, local development of against guessing class application knowledge King had continuous a two months became local of application download rankings first; small vertical electric business of growth speed also very fast, which PChome market has up 1 billion dollars, 3 hours arrival, and 6 hours arrival or to shop take goods, has is perfect; in O2O aspects, similar city market mass reviews of love assessment network also has get times investment.

Peng Dexin said, after I prepared an opportunity entrepreneurs see or, as a team from big companies out of business.

More Lin Chen told reporters in contact with entrepreneurs, such talent come from HTC, quanta "Taiwan e-v", as well as Yahoo Taiwan and other traditional Internet companies.

Follow the ideal

In the AppWorks office building, there are many experienced entrepreneurs hatching half a year, they gathered here to start their own businesses, this State is called the "graduate". Pender and new owns a small, independent office is different, most of them huddled together, same long table might have two different start-up team.

Although hard, but for these Internet start-ups, and ideal may be his major reason.

Zhang Jiawei love fitness, from Taiwan after graduating started fitness business. In 2004, he started operating a fitness consultation platform accumulated traffic, cut into the O2O area until the beginning of the year. His 17fit team wanted to do was, health club resources under line member month fee charged by way of the Internet sales model.

Because the team is not yet perfect, it still presents in the form of a page in user's handset, and promotion through Facebook. According to Zhang Jiawei introduced, which has 50,000 fans. As for the future, he told reporters, "we will make App, and cheaper to provide more experience for consumers, Taiwan market bigger. ”

Confucianism's "breakfast cereals" project is to follow the ideal of another model. This is a vertical e-commerce to sell cereal, operating more than 80 items in 75% are cereals, the main concept of organic health. The project started in December 2014, cumulative registered users to 20,000, buy 10,000 of them.

In this project a year before, the Confucianism and the team management called "love health" Mall, sales of more than one category of health products. Although there have been failures, but Zeng Zeru insisted he wanted next to skip agents and direct access to the origin of products, introducing Taiwan market commodity.

Trouble clear

Taiwan entrepreneurs judge the market more ego. Because the city, region, and free patterns, users already pay habit. As Zhang Jiawei monthly fee members pay the same, Confucianism remains convinced that consumers can be sacrificed readily visible convenience stores, turn to his shop to buy the cereal.

"We do not do free shipping, this is not a long-term policy, the company must be business", Zeng Zeru told reporters, "but the consumers do not want to pay. ”

As the irreconcilable contradictions, turning ideals into reality, Internet entrepreneurs compared with the Mainland, Taiwan entrepreneurs tend to face greater obstacles.

Although new capital is rapidly accumulating, and increased our investment in the Internet industry, but Chen said Lin, Taiwan mainstream traditional capital still don't understand the Internet. This resulted in 10 innovative team has 9 raise less money.

In fact, Taiwan's electronics industry, and rarely appear similar to associative hatch Eggplant such a large company's pattern of development of the Internet industry. There are two main reasons: try Acer earlier had been involved in the Internet in 2000, become more cautious after the bursting of the dotcom bubble; Taiwan policy has not placed a high priority on the Internet, focus remains on the semiconductor industry.

Talent is Taiwan one of the Internet industry. On one hand, foreign Internet companies have settled in Taiwan Hou, setting up higher salaries, and listed as a bait to attract Taiwan high-end talent value into the other hand, Taiwan's higher education resources are still difficult to adapt to the needs of enterprises.

Break opportunity

However, negative factors, Taiwan Internet industry is still pregnant with new opportunities.

The most simple example, the habit is to scan QR codes. The last two years, Line and micro-education users learn to scan QR codes, O2O team can develop two-dimensional code products. Lin Zhichen said that "Taiwan Internet is no big capital to the education market, we must wait for the right time. ”

Not only that, but Taiwan's Courier industry developed, can even be 3-hour delivery, which also indirectly stimulate the development of e-commerce. Zeng Zeru, OB strict selection of clothing, Lativ has become the reference case, but with the maturing of third party payment, payment problem was resolved and will bring a new round of development.

Is different from Internet entrepreneurs in China, Zhang Jiawei and Zeng Zeru is starting from the vertical information, by writing Internet articles attract user's attention in its early days, accumulated early user. Then cut into their respective market segments, we can effectively bring the first passenger, through the sharing of access to new opportunities.

Different from the Mainland, Taiwan Internet and mobile Internet PC high contact ratio, mobile PC extended, which means that customer loyalty can be a wide range of maintenance, while there are still a large number of users need to be on your phone that are not network upgrades for new development.

Drainage of overseas capital is a good choice. Zhang Jiawei said they had in Japan, and Korea, as well as mainland Chinese investor communication. Early this year, the Cheetah Mobile CEO Fu sheng had announced the establishment of 100 million Yuan to set up Cheetah venture capital funds investment Taiwan entrepreneurial young people. Such foreign capital, Taiwan entrepreneurs are optimistic about the Internet.

Few cases of successful entrepreneurship is inspiring Taiwan young people walked out of the big companies, to start their own businesses. These start-ups are becoming Taiwan Internet fire.

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