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qq published in(发表于) 2015/6/7 0:39:26 Edit(编辑)
Another magnitude of merger and acquisition? Google to buy Twitter,

Another magnitude of merger and acquisition? Google to buy Twitter,

Another magnitude of merger and acquisition? Google is interested in buying Twitter-Twitter, Google, Twitter-IT information

One of Twitter's biggest shareholder, Chris Sacca (Chris Sacca), in the technology industry, there are a number of large companies interested in buying Twitter. For example, the Saka in Bloomberg's Emily Chang (Emily Chang) said in an interview, "I think Google is interested in buying Twitter. ”

Of course, Sarkar said, if Google wants to buy Twitter, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg (Mark Zuckerberg) would "not allow Twitter into Google's arms, of course, would join the bidding for Twitter contest, and not taken lightly. ”

Sarkar claims that Zuckerberg would think Twitter was bombarded on Facebook. Sarkar said Zuckerberg's feeling that "Twitter does not make something they can" but in Sarkar's view, Zuckerberg this feeling has not changed. Therefore, Sarkar believes that Zuckerberg will cherish every opportunity to have Twitter, and further improve Twitter.

Sarkar said, Facebook and Google are interested in Twitter, then another in technology giant Microsoft would not stand idly by, certainly wants to Twitter to buy its. Microsoft's Chief Executive, sadiya·Nadela (Satya Nadella) have used Twitter for a while, and Nadela is negotiating with Twitter for some trade-related issues.

So, apart from outside these giants, what other companies are interested in buying Twitter? Industry speculation, Alibaba group, and Apple may be interested in buying Twitter. However, Sarkar said, "I think Apple is not interested in Twitter too. ”

Of course, Sarkar's comments could lead to some of the industry's questioning voice. Some people may think, Sarkar urged other companies interested in buying Twitter comments might also be in order to make his own benefit. To this, Sarkar made clear that he did not think that Twitter will be offered for sale. Saka says, "Twitter has great potential for self improvement. "In the meantime, Saca also believes Twitter's stock will rise to the level of more than 90 dollars. By comparison, Twitter currently shares only more than 30 dollars.

However, Saka has also been critical of Twitter in the near future, also questioned why not Twitter's user growth and stability and, in addition, he also had many comments on the Twitter product improvements.

For a long time, Saca has been considered the Twitter management "allies". But now, Sarkar was openly discussed how Twitter improved products, as well as topics such as which companies should buy Twitter, perhaps that will make Twitter management Saka aversion.

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