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qq published in(发表于) 2015/6/6 7:31:44 Edit(编辑)
Net sales “college entrance examination artifact“: cheating watches sold

Net sales “college entrance examination artifact“: cheating watches sold

Net sales "college entrance examination artifact": watches hot sale-entrance to cheat, cheat-IT information

College entrance exam is approaching, online shop and stores usually hit on "college entrance examination artifact" label products are selling hot. Beijing morning post reporters found that lucky decoration and "cheating watches" sales. Prompted by the police, according to relevant regulations, serious cheating in college entrance examination candidates who can be suspended for 3 years to participate in various countries with the highest examination qualifications . Beijing peaceful Tweet said: police prompted fellow candidate attention, good faith candidates who are the best.

Lucky decoration day selling hundreds

"Actually, I know this place may not help anything but was willing to give his son encouragement. "Son of Madam Wu will attend the college entrance exam in online ordering a" success "the Golden Horse. While small Golden Horse not made of pure gold, but the price is 666. Reporters found that there are a number of online stores are the "college entrance examination artifact" in the name of selling auspicious items such as ornaments, bracelets, and expensive.

A jade store, a jade pendant is priced at 399 Yuan leaf shape, leaf carved with a cicada. According to owner introduced, cicada love song, the decoration of the implication is "success" and "overnight". "Ancient scientific hygienists will put one of these in the book decoration, figure a good head. Going to college entrance examination, we are able to express courier, guaranteed to send you to the hands before the exam ". Reporters saw sales of this pendant, reaching 198 within 30 days. "Sales are particularly good, as long as they can help candidates, parents are willing to spend money. "The owner said.

Cheating watches sold 26 a week

Online "college entrance examination artifact" occurs after more than just good luck pendant, is more "cheating in college entrance examination artifact" content. Watch search results up to cheating. Reporters saw in a shop in the store with "cheating the artifact" ads. "The examination artifact, document deposited into cell phones, test using the low light mode, too. "The shopkeeper said, many devices are out of date, this product is the latest. "From the outside it is a watch, but actually like a small MP3 can save formulas, articles". Reporters saw this watch prices for 199, within one week of sales is 26.

Another store also recommended several other cheating tools to Beijing morning news reporters. "Cheating headphones and sell pen is also quite good. Headset is 800 Yuan a pair, but we do not guarantee that normal use of shielded signal is very strong and can not use. No trace on this pen is written using a brush handwriting can occur. Sales are good. "

In this regard, the official Micro-Blog Tips for safe Beijing candidates serious cheating in college entrance examination candidates who can be suspended for 3 years to participate in various countries with the highest examination qualifications, "the police Uncle prompted fellow candidate attention, good faith candidates who are the best."

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